由于市场竞争原因,三星公司日前宣布其笔记本电脑将撤出欧洲市场。与联想和苹果手提电脑相比,三星的销售额处于劣势。三星适时改变策略,将重点转移到移动产品如智能手机和平板电脑上来。三星即将推出的Galaxy Note 4及搭配的虚拟现实耳机就吸引了很多顾客。
【语篇解读】Elizabeth Freeman生下来就是一个奴隶,为了获得自由她进行了不懈的抗争,最后终于获得了梦寐以求的自由。本文还讲到了人们对她的评价。 Elizabeth Freeman was born about 1742 to African American parents who were slaves. At the age of six months she was acquired, along with her sister, by John Ashley, a wealthy Massachusettsslaveholders. She became known as “Mumbet” or “Mum Bett.”For nearly 30 years Mumbet served the Ashley family. One day, Ashley’s wife tried to strike Mumbet’s sister with a spade. Mumbet protected her sister and took the blow instead. Furious, she left the house and refused to come back. When the Ashleys tried to make her return, Mumbet consulted a lawyer, Theodore Sedgewick. With his help, Mumbet sued(起诉) for her freedom.While serving the Ashleys, Mumbet had listened to many discussions of the newMassachusettsconstitution. If the constitution said that all people were free and equal, then she thought it should apply to her. Eventually, Mumbet won her freedom---- the first slave inMassachusettsto do so under the new constitution.Strangely enough, after the trial, the Ashleys asked Mumbet to come back and work for them as a paid employee. She declined and instead went to work for Segdewick. Mumbet died in 1829, but her legacy lived on in her many descendants(后裔). One of her great-grandchildren was W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the founder of the NAACP, and an important writer and spokesperson for African American civil rights.Mumbet’s tombstone still stands in theMassachusettscemetery where she was buried. It reads, in part: “She was born a slave and remained a slave and remained a slave for nearly thirty years. She could neither read nor write, yet in her own sphere she had no superior or equal.”   
【语篇解读】本文为报道类记叙文。文中报道了一只被Tracy捡到的小狗放在Ann家里暂时看管,而当Ann下班到家的时候,小狗疯狂地叫,把Ann引导到Jack的房间,进而挽救了患了心脏病的Jack。       One morning, Ann’s neighbor Tracy found a lost dog wandering around the local elementary school. She asked Ann if she could keep an eye on the dog. Ann said that she could watch it only for the day.       Tracy took photos of the dog and printed off 400 FOUND fliers(传单), and put them in mailboxes. Meanwhile, Ann went to the dollar store and bought some pet supplies, warning her two sons not to fall in love with the dog. At the time, Ann’s son Thomas was 10 years old, and Jack, who was recovering from a heart operation, was 21 years old.      Four days later Ann was still looking after the dog, whom they had started to call Riley. When she arrived home from work, the dog threw itself against the screen door and barked madly at her. As soon as she opened the door, Riley dashed into the boys’ room where Ann found Jack suffering from a heart attack. Riley ran over to Jack, but as soon as Ann bent over to help him the dog went silent.      “If it hadn’t come to get me, the doctor said Jack would have died,” Ann reported to a local newspaper. At this point, no one had called to claim the dog, so Ann decided to keep it.      The next morning Tracygot a call. A man named Peter recognized his lost dog and called the number on the flier.Tracystarted crying, and told him, “That dog saved my friend’s son.”      Peter drove to Ann’s house to pick up his dog, and saw Thomas and Jack crying in the window. After a few moments Peter said, “Maybe Odie was supposed to find you, maybe you should keep it.” 
【语篇解读】本文记叙了我们在母亲节那天购物的时候,儿子看到有位老人摔倒了且流了很多血,给她买了花以表示关心,结果老人对儿子善意的做法很是感激。所以也许一次微不足道的善行但会给自己和他人带来很多的快乐。 .  It was Mother’s Day morning last year and I was doing my shopping at our local supermarket with my five-year-old son, Tenyson. As we were leaving, we found that only minutes earlier an elderly woman had fallen over at the entrance and had hit her head on the concrete. Her husband was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock. Walking towards the scene, Tenyson became very upset about what had happened to the couple. He said to me, “Mum, it’s not much fun falling over in front of everyone.”At the front of the supermarket a charity(慈善) group had set up a stand selling cooked sausages and flowers to raise funds. Tenyson suggested that we should buy the lady a flower. “It will make her feel better,” he said. I was amazed that he’d come up with such a sweet idea. So we went over to the flower seller and asked her if we could buy a flower for the lady to cheer her up. “Just take it,” she replied. “I can’t take your money for such a wonderful gesture.”By now paramedics(救援人员)had arrived, and were attending the injured woman. As we walked up to her, my son became intimidated by all the blood and medical equipment. He said he was just too scared to go up to her.Instead I gave the flower to the woman’s husband and told him, “ My son was very upset for your wife and wanted to give her this flower to make her feel better.”At that, the old man started crying and said, “Thank you so much, you have a wonderful son. Happy Mother’s Day to you.”The man then bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from. Though badly hurt and shaken, the old lady looked up at Tenyson with love in her eyes and gave him a little smile.                       -->
【语篇解读】本文讲述了作者丈夫的一次有惊无险的经历。她的丈夫到了陌生的悉尼以后,装有重要文件的箱子不见了。就在他束手无策的时候,突然有人主动把丢失的文件送还过来。这次失而复得的经历,也使他们重新获得对他人的信任。       Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.      During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport(护照).      He reported the case to the police and then sat there, lost and lonely in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.      Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.      My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents(文件). Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.      That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people. We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way. 
【语篇解读】本文是一则公益广告,号召人们为了那些需要进行骨髓移植的人捐献骨髓。文章同时介绍了捐献骨髓需要注意的相关具体信息。 BLOOD DRIVE & MARROW(骨髓)REGISTRATION“These patients deserve a chance at a normal, happy future and they rely on the kindness of the strangers to make that happen.                      — Daisy, Isabelle’s MotherIsabelle is the daughter of Daisy and Saman Mirzaei. In January 2008 Isabelle was diagnosed(诊断)with a genetic blood disorder,beta thalassemia. Isabelle’s body is unable to produce healthy red blood cells. As a result, Isabelle has been receiving blood transfusions (输血) every 4-6weeks since she was 11 months old. A lifetime of regular transfusions can lead to serious medical problems. Her only chance at a normal, healthy life is to have a marrow transplant. Isabelle is an only child, so doctors have started a search for an unrelated marrow donor through The Match Registry. The Mirzaei family asks that you consider helping patients like Isabelle by registering to be a marrow donor and give the gift of life, the gift of blood.Held at Wiley HallWednesday, March 26, 2014Behind Heathman Dormitory/Butterfield Rd.12:00 PM - 6 :00 PM      Don’t forget to bring your driver’s license or another form of identification when you donate. Visit www.ribc.org to make an appointment, Sponsor Code 3390.              FREE KingstonPizza ! ! !                                                                                     Marrow Donors:                             BE THE MATCH                                                bethematch.org·be 18 to 44 years old           ·in good health·give a swab(化验标本)of your cheek cells for marrow typing -->
【语篇解读】本文是一则地铁乘坐指南,介绍了乘坐地铁以及城市公交要注意的各种信息,包括零钱,时间以及注意事项等等。 Metrorail(地铁)Each passenger needs a farecard to enter and go out. Up to two children under age five may travel free with a paying customer.Farecard machine are in every station. Bring small bills because there are no change machines in the stations and farecard machine only provide up to $ 5 in change.Get one of unlimited Metrorail rides with a One Day Pass. Buy it from a farecard machine in Metro stations. Use it after 9:30 a.m. until closing on weekdays, and all day on weekends and holidays.Hours of Service   Open: 5 a.m Mon—Fri                      7a.m. Sat—Sun.   Close: midnight Sun—Thur.                  3a.m. Fri—Sat. nights   Last train time vary. To avoid (避免) missing the last train, please check the last train time posted in the stations.MetrobusWhen paying with exact change, the fare is $ 1.35. When paying with a SmatTripâ card, the fare is $1.25Fares for the Senior /disabled customersSenior citizens 65 and older and disabled customers may ride for half the regular fare. On Metrorail and Metrobus, use a senior/disabled farecard or SmarTripâ card. For more information about buying senior/disabled farecards, SmarTripâ cards and passes, please visit MetroOpenDoors.com or call 202-637-7000 and 202-637-8000.Senior citizens and disabled customers can get free guide on how to use proper Metrobus and Metrorail services by calling 202-962-1100Travel tips·Avoid riding during weekday rush periods –before 9:30 a.m. and between 4 and 6 p.m.·If you lose something on a bus or train or in a station, please call Lost & Found at 202-962-1195.