
“Daily Star, sir. ” called Jason, carrying some newspapers under his arm. The little boy had been running up and down the street, but there were still twenty  11  left. His voice was almost gone and his heart was  12 . The shops would soon close, and all the people would go home. He would have to go home too, carrying the papers  13  money. He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a  14  for his mother and some seeds for his bird. That was why he had bought the papers with all his money. He  15  as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers. 

“You don't know the  16  of selling papers. You must shout. ‘Hot news! Bomb bursting!’” another newsboy Chad told Jason. “ 17  it's not in the paper at all, ” replied Jason. “Just run away quickly  18  they have time to see, and you'll  19  out and get your money, ”Chad said. 

It was a new  20  to Jason. He thought of his bird with no  21  and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother, but was  22  that he would not tell a lie. Though he was  23  a poor newsboy, he had been  24  some good things. 

The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers  25 . Several boys were crowding around Chad, who declared with a  26  smile that he sold six dozen the day before. He added that Jason  27   money because he would not tell a lie. The boy  28  at Jason. “You wouldn't tell a lie yesterday, my boy?” A gentleman at the office came up and patted Jason's shoulder  29 . “You're just the boy I am looking for. ”A week later Jason started his new  30 . He lost the sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a lie, but got a well­paid job because he told the truth. 


A shops

B coins

C people

D papers

解析:选D。D 考查名词在语境中的辨析。最后上文一句中He lost sale of twenty papers可知,剩了20份报纸。此题是典型的词汇复现。


A open

B heavy

C pure

D weak

解析:选B。B 考查形容词在语境中的辨析。句意:他几乎说不出话来,心情沉重。open敞开心扉;heavy(心情)沉重;pure纯洁的;完全的;weak不牢固的,虚弱的。根据上文所知,因卖不掉报纸,心情沉重,用heavy。


A instead of

B in return for

C regardless of

D in exchange for

解析:选A。A 考查介词短语在语境中的辨析。句意:他也要回家了,带着报纸而不是钱。instead of代替;而不是……; in return for作为……的报答;regardless of不顾,不管;in exchange for作为……的交换。根据句意,选A。


A cup

B card

C comb

D cake

解析:选D。D 考查名词在语境中的辨析。根据下文He thought of his bird with no seeds and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother可知,答案选D。此题也是典型的词汇复现。


A gave in

B broke down

C got away

D showed up

解析:选B。B 考查动词短语在语境中的辨析。give in屈服;让步;break down身体、精神受不了;get away离开;逃脱;show up露面;露出。根据句意:“他一想到没有卖掉所有的报纸,精神就要崩溃了。”可知选B。


A difficulty

B process

C goal

D secret

解析:选D。D 考查名词在语境中的辨析。句意:你不知道推销报纸的诀窍。difficulty 困难,难事;困境;process过程;程序;goal目的;目标;进球;得分;secret秘密,秘诀。据此选D。


A And

B But

C For

D So

解析:选B。B 考查连词在语境中的辨析。句意:事实上,报纸上根本没有。两个分句表示语义转折,用but。故选B项。


A before

B since

C though

D unless

解析:选A。A 考查从属连词在语境中的辨析。句意:在他们还没来得及看,就逃之夭夭。before在……以前;还没有来得及。


A call

B drop

C sell

D reach

解析:选C。C 考查动词在语境中的辨析。sell out卖光;call out大声叫喊;召集;drop out脱离;退学;退出;reach out伸出;根据句意:“你就会把报纸全部卖掉,拿到钱。”可知,选C。


A edition

B idea

C policy

D task

解析:选B。B 考查名词在语境中的辨析。句意:对于Jason而言,这是一个新主意。edition版,版本,版次;idea主意,想法; policy政策,方针;task任务,工作。选B。


A bread

B insects

C seeds

D water

解析:选C。C 考查名词在语境中的辨析。根据第一段...some seeds for his bird可知“没有鸟食”,答案为C。这也是一个词义的复现题。


A concerned

B amazed

C excited

D determined

解析:选D。D 考查形容词在语境中的辨析。句意:……他坚决不会撒谎。concerned有关的;关切的amazed吃惊的,惊奇的;excited刺激的;对……感到兴奋的;determined坚决的;有决心的。根据句意,选D。


A still

B already

C just

D also

解析:选C。C 考查副词在语境中的辨析。句意:尽管他只是一个贫穷的小报童,但是他学到了一些有益的东西。still还;更;仍; already已,已经; just=only只,仅仅;also也。根据句意,选C。


A taught

B handed

C awarded

D allowed

解析:选A。A 考查动词在语境中的辨析。根据上题,他学到了一些有益的东西,换句话,(家庭)教了他很多有益的东西。故选A。


A at once

B by chance

C as usual

D on purpose

解析:选C。C 考查介词短语在语境中的辨析。句意:第二天下午,Jason像往常一样去办公室去拿报纸。at once马上,立刻;by chance偶然;意外地;as usual像往常一样;照例;on purpose有目的地,故意地。根据句意,选C。


A proud

B gentle

C warm

D polite

解析:选A。A 考查形容词在语境中的辨析。句意:他面带微笑,自豪地宣称前一天卖了72份报纸。proud骄傲的,自豪的;gentle温和的;文雅的;warm暖和的,温暖的,暖的;polite有礼貌的。故选A。


A borrowed

B lost

C made

D saved

解析:选B。B 考查动词在语境中的辨析。句意:他补充说Jason赔钱是因为他不愿撒谎。lose money赔钱。


A laughed

B shouted

C nodded

D started

解析:选A。A 考查动词短语在语境中的辨析。句意:男孩们都嘲笑杰森。laugh at嘲笑;取笑; shout at对……大喊;叱喝;nod at向某人点头;stare at凝视,盯住。根据句意,选A。


A bravely

B gratefully

C fondly

D modestly

解析:选C。C 考查副词在语境中的辨析。句意:在办公室的一位绅士走过来,怜爱地拍拍Jason的肩膀。bravely勇敢地,英勇地;gratefully感激地,感谢地;fondly快乐地;天真地;modestly谨慎地;适当地。根据句意,选C。


A duty

B business

C job

D method

解析:选C。C 考查名词在语境中的辨析。句意:一周后Jason开始了他的新工作。duty责任;本分;义务;business生意,业务,事情;job工作,职业;method方法,办法。根据下文可知,Jason获得了一份薪水好的工作,故选C。