EWhat do you like doing in your free (空闲的) time? Do you like playing sports or talking with your friends? Or do you like not to do very much at all? Or you have lots of hobbies but don’t have enough free time to do them. Let’s look at how these students spend their free time.   Jackie, 13, England I do a lot of things in my free time. I dance, swim and go to town with my friends when I’m free. I feel sorry for people that are on the computer all day because I love being with my friends. Emma, 11, England At the weekend, I go to dance with my best friend Cindy.Linda, 12, AustraliaI like to go swimming with my friends.Kate, 11, the USA I love reading and writing best! I have a lot of books. They are interesting. Matthew, 13, CanadaI like running because it keeps me healthy. I often do it with my brother and dad.
CPeter knows how to play the basketball game. He also knows that sports are not the only thing in life. When Peter was eleven years old, his parents separated (离婚). He stayed with his grandmother, June, in New York. His grandmother’s house was only fifteen minutes from his parent’s house, but he didn’t play with his old friends. He played with his two older cousins. One of his cousins liked playing basketball with his friends. After they finished, Peter went to play basketball by himself. He played well. After a while, the other players wanted to play basketball with him. While Peter worked on his game, his grandmother worked hard to support (支持) him and his cousins. June worked at the hospital. She worked hard to make Peter go to school and get a good education (教育). Peter studied well. He played basketball well, too. He thanked his grandmother for helping him.
BJack’s mother tells Jack and his brother John to clean their yard. John goes to his room and tells Jack to clean the yard. Jack cleans the yard. One hour later, his brother comes out. John brings something like a vacuum(真空吸尘器). Jack looks at John and asks, “What is this?” John says, “It is Toratazaloo. It is a great invention. We can use it to clean the yard or house.” Jack watches John when he uses his invention, but it doesn’t work. John looks at it and checks it. One hour later, John uses his invention to clean their yard. The yard is clean. Jack says, “John, you are so great!” They are very happy. The two boys tell that to their parents. They are surprised.
阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项AHenry is a green monster. He is not ugly.  Soon it is Henry’s birthday, but he can’t remember how old he is. Lulu and George decide to buy him a present, but they don’t know what to buy. They decide to buy him a camera, but Henry has one. They decide to buy him a new shorts, but he has some new shorts.“I know!” says Lulu. “Let’s go shopping in London. We can visit Henry’s cousin Bob and ask him what to buy.” So they get on the bus to London.First Bob takes them to a computer shop. Bob buys a very special monster computer game for Henry! Next they go to a clothes shop. George buys him a T-shirt. Finally they go to a cake shop. Lulu buys a big cake for Henry.  The next day Lulu, George and Bob go back. They are so excited about Henry’s birthday party. Henry feels happy that he has so many nice friends.
E China's first lunar rover(月球车) moved successfully from the unmanned spacecraft Chang'e-3 that landed on the moon Saturday. As China’s first mission carrier to the moon, Jade Rabbit is a six-wheeled lunar rover equipped with at least four cameras and two mechanical legs that can dig up soil samples to a depth of 30 meters.The solar-powered rover will move along the moon's surface, studying the structure of the lunar crust(外壳)as well as soil and rocks, for at least three months. Weighing 140 kilograms, the slow-moving rover carries an optical(光学的) telescope for astronomical observations and a powerful ultraviolet(紫外线的)camera that will monitor how solar activity affects the various layers that make up the Earth's atmosphere, China's information technology ministry said in a statement.The Jade Rabbit is also equipped with nuclear heater units, allowing it to function during the cold lunar nights when temperatures drop as low as -180°C (-292°F).The moon exploration makes China one of only three nations -- after the United States and the former Soviet Union -- to "soft-land" on the moon's surface, and the first to do so in more than three decades. China has rapidly built up its space program since it first sent an astronaut into space in 2003. In 2012, the country conducted 18 space launches, according to the Pentagon.The Chang'e-3 mission is considered as the second stage of China's moon exploration program, which includes orbiting,landing and returning to Earth.In 2010, China captured images of the landingsite for the 2013 exploration, the Bay of Rainbows, which is considered to beone of the most beautiful parts of the moon.       The Chang'e-3 spacecraft lifted off from a Long March 3B rocket in China's Sichuan province on December 2 and reached the moon's orbit at 100 kilometers (about 60 miles) from its surface less than five days later.
D For as much as I love nature, it’s remarkable that I grew up in a family that didn’t spend a lot of time there.The Ludlows weren’t campers, hikers, or beach goers.That’s not to say we didn’t go outdoors. We just didn’t stay there long. My dad’s favorite way to relax was to sit on the patio(露台) with a glass of iced tea. He’d preside over his freshly mowed lawn, enjoy the birds, and watch for the fox.But when the sun went down, he went inside.Lots of kids grow up gazing at the stars,knowing the constellations. Me? I never noticed the stars. In my early childhood, the darkening shadow of evening was the signal that it was time to hightail it home from the park on my bike. Then I met the sky. I saw it the summer before seventh grade when we took a family trip to Wyoming. In my mental photo album, I feel the mist of Old Faithful, I smell the store where my dad bought a cowboy hat, and I shiver in my sleeping bag on the overnight rafting trip downthe Snake River.  One night, Dad had arranged for us to sleep in a tepee. When the flames died down after our camp fire dinner, he kept my little sister, Sara, Mom, and me outside, wrapped us in blankets, and told us to look up, wait, and watch.Plink, plink, plink. As my eyes adjusted, the stars appeared. Plunk, plunk, plunk. The black filled with white. Plinkplinkplinkplinkplink.Dad revealed the universe.Decades later, I crave walks in the woods, I love to sit by a lake for hours, and a sunset mesmerizes (迷住) me. And everywhere I go, I look up and search for the heaven I saw that night. I have yet to see that sky again, so utterly a glow. I don’t know if that’s because my kid memory blew it out of proportion or because our lit-up world makes seeing the true sky all but impossible. I just know I haven’t stopped looking.
C Sitting in his mobile home near Las Vegas,Ron Wayne could be any of the millions of gamblers who failed to find theirfortune in the casino city.However, he could have hit a jackpot beyond most people’s wildest dreams.Ron was one of the founders of Apple, the technologygiant behind the iPhone and the iPad.But while co-founder Steve Jobs, who died in2011, became one of the world’s richest men, Ron decided in 1976 that he wantedto focus on a slot machine business and sold his stake in the fledgling computer company for just £500.Today, that stake would be worth £14 billion.But despite the astonishing potential fortunehe signed away, Ron refuses to let it get him down and freely admits: “I had no business sense.”“I made a decision that allowed me to pursuemy interest,” says the 79-year-old. “I honestly don’t regret walking away atall.”Ron was instrumental in helping Jobs and partner Steve Wozniak form the now multi-billion-dollar empire.He sketched models for the first Apple computer, designed the company’s original logo, wrote the manual for the Apple I computer, and drafted the firm’s first ­partnership agreement.But then he got cold feet. Deciding his partners’ personalities and whirlwind working methods were too risky, he gaveup his 10% stake in Apple Computer after just 12 days.Had he stayed on, he would now be one of the 15 richest people on the planet and possibly the subject of a Hollywood movielike his late former partner Jobs, who is portrayed by Ashton Kutcher in the upcoming film of the same name.Ron says: “I knew Wozniak’s design for apersonal computer was going to be successful, but who could have anticipated it would be what it is today?” “If I had stayed with Apple and accepted the limitations on my philosophy of life I could well have ended up the richest man in the cemetery. My passion was slot machines.”“My handicap was that I didn’t realise I had no business sense. I learned that when I went into business building slot machines.”“Every time I worked as a businessman it has been a flaming disaster.”Ron insists he is not envious of the vastfortune Jobs left, or his beautiful homes and £85 million yacht.He says: “If you had everything you could possibly want you would be content for 10 minutes.”"I would have liked tohave been more successful but can honestly say I have had a more eventful lifethan many other people in this world.”
B Mom could take a little hamburger, a few potatoes and some canned tomatoes and whip up a feast that would make BobbyFlay weep. And the things she could do with a chicken . . . well, it makes mymouth water to think about it. Her homemade chili sauce was second to none. Herbottled peaches were better than candy. And I once offered to make my sisterKathy’s bed for a week if she would give me the last slice of toast made withMom’s homemade bread. Kathy wouldn’t go for it. She preferred toeat the toast – infuriatingly slowly – in front of me, watching me suffer witheach exquisite bite. If memory serves, that was the same day I tried to killKathy with a crutch. If I had succeeded, all we would have had to do was givethe judge a taste of Mom’s homemade bread and jam, and he would have ruled iton my side.But put a beef steak in her skillet, and sheturned into the anti-cook. She could take the finest, most perfectly marbledribeye and turn it into a hunk of protein with the flavor and texture of shoeleather. Of course, it wasn’t intentional. Several months later my big brother Bud tookme out for lunch and ordered steaks for both of us. I wasn’t thrilled, butsince he was paying I figured I could choke down a few bites. When the waitressserved our steaks, I was surprised at how good they smelled. Mom’s steaks neversmelled like that. The first bite was a char-broiled epiphany, a revelation ofsizzling flavor. Suddenly I understood why others spoke of steak fondly. Idevoured my steak greedily, and stole a bite of Bud’s when he took a secondtrip to the salad bar. “You know,” I said to Bud, patting my stomachcontentedly. “I used to think Mom was a great cook. But it’s hard to believeher steaks come from the same animal as these steaks.”“Mom is a great cook,” Bud said. “But thinkabout it. She grew up during the Great Depression. That’s when she learned tocook. How often do you think they had steak?”
EYour teenage son looks like a grown man. He’s inches taller than his father, and his voice has turned deep. But his behavior is another matter. He makes hasty decisions, drives cars too fast and tends to make his parents annoyed.That’s because his brain is developing more slowly than the rest of his body. Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health and UCLA conducted a decade-long study of normal brain development. They found that the frontal lobe, the area responsible for understanding future consequences, making wise decisions and controlling impulses(冲动), has not become mature (成熟的)until the early 20s.Immature brains have fast-growing synapses(突触) and sections that remain unconnected. As a result, they’re easily influenced by the environment and susceptible to unexpected behavior.This may explain the puzzling contradiction of adolescence. Teens are at their physical prime. Yet their death rates rise sharply. Study shows that rates of death by injury for people between the ages of 15 and 19 are six times those seen in kids ages 10 to 14. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that teens are four times more likely than older drivers to be involved in a car crash and three times more likely to die in one. Adolescents also are more susceptible to the effects of drugs and alcohol. Rates of drug and alcohol abuse are high when compared with other age groups. Frances Jensen and David Urion, doctors at Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, discovered that adult brain cells recovered more quickly from alcohol exposure than younger brain cells. Jensen said in Harvard Magazine: “For a teenager, what he drank on the weekend is still with him during that test on Thursday.”The implications for parents are clear. Teens aren’t making trouble on purpose. They desire independence, but they are still tender. They’re still forming into the adults they’ll eventually be. And, of course, they won’t be this age forever. Finally, they will grow up and become rational and wise adults.