

Many students are working hard for next year’s art exam. Here are three girls among the millions. Xiaoxia is a thin and tall girl with long hair. She practices her dance in a studio in Beijing. She came to Beijing for the preparation for art exam. She started learning dance since she was a child, dreaming of becoming a professional dancer. "Though it's a hard time for me, being away from home and my parents, I’d like to work hard on my studies," she said. 

Xiaohan studied to be a producer in Chongqing. She came to Beijing because she loves the city. "I have to work hard with my studies in both producing and the arts," Xiaohan said. She could only call her parents and watch a movie when she has a break. The best part of being in Beijing for Xiaohan, is that she can have the opportunity to take lessons in universities around the city. Her art lesson has cost her nearly 60,000 yuan. 

Eighteen year-old Xiaorong sits in a classroom. She wishes she could get into a better university with her art performance. She works on both her skills as a host and an actress. Xiaorong has to sit in a two-hour long class. She has to take test in another school after class. She said she never knew acting was so tiring until she started studying it.


1.What does Xiaoxia want to be?

A A producer.

B A professional dancer.

C A host.

D An actress.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章一段的“She started learning dance since she was a child, dreaming of becoming a professional dancer.”可知,她梦想成为一名舞蹈家,故答案为B。

2.What is the biggest advantage of being in Beijing for Xiaohan?

A She loves the city.

B She can call her parents and watch a movie.

C she can take lessons in universities there.

D She can make a lot of money.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的“The best part of being in Beijing for Xiaohan, is that she can have the opportunity to take lessons in universities around the city.”,可知,她在北京最大的好处是有机会在这个城市的大学上课,故答案为C。

3.What does Xiaorong think of acting now?

A It’s tiring.

B It’s relaxing.

C It’s exciting.

D interesting.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“She said she never knew acting was so tiring until she started studying it.”可判断出她现在认为表演很累人,故答案为A。

4.Which is right according to the passage?

A Xiaohan started learning dance since she was a child.

B Xiaoxia has spent nearly 60,000 yuan on her lessons.

C Xiaorong came from Chongqing.

D Xiaoxia practices her dance in a studio in Beijing.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。文章的三段分别介绍了三个女孩,注意不要张冠李戴就可以,只有D是正确的。故答案为D。

5.From this passage, we can learn that ____________?

A three girls all want to be a dancer.

B three girls take the same lessons.

C three girls all work very hard with their lessons.

D three girls come from the same place.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了三个准备艺考的女孩,她们都很努力地学习他们的课程。故选C。