D We grow up, althoughwe don't want to. But don’t worry. Please read this article. It can help youlook at life as a kid.Read a lot of Chicken Soup for the Soul—they have so manygood stories about kids and help you get the right feeling. Also try readingchildren's books, it helps you keep childish. When you feel sad, smile. If you can, jump up and down, or move arounduntil you feel tired. Act like a kid and try to smile. This can make you happyif you feel unhappy.   Spend time with little kids. It can make you smile more. If you have childrenof your own, great! Spend lots of time with them.  Think back on a time when you were a kid. Then, try to rememberhow old your parents were. If you think that you aren’t as old as you are now,and you are just as old as you were eight, you will get the feeling that youare 8 again. If you are a kid, take a piece of paper and write “In 15 years I am goingto do”. Then, put the letter in an envelope(信封) and read it once everyfive years. This will make you feel like a kid again.
C To say to be Best Friends Forever (BFF) is easy. But in fact, it is not easyto be a BFF. A true BFF is one that always helps out when theother has difficulties. Now six-year-old Milois a true BFF of Eddie’s. Milo and Eddie are just dogs. Milo is a little whitedog and Eddie a seven-year-old blackdog. They live in the Angie’s home. The two spent many years playingtogether.However last year,Eddie suddenly started knocking into trees or house walls and furniture. And evenworse he sometimes lost ways when taking walks. And in the end, he couldn’t seeanything at all. Luckily, Milo began to workas Eddie's full-time “guide” dog. Milo is now fine and back at hisBFF's side, guiding him through life again. Today, he takes Eddie to the house,holds his leash(皮带) when they go for walks, or when he loses his way. Angie says they did not know how much Milo helped Eddie until now.
B Dolphins are famous tobe very bright. They are good at using whistles(哨声) as their language. Dolphins usuallylive in groups. A group of dolphins near the beach usually has about 10members. Far away from the beach, groups can be much larger, with hundreds ofmembers. The members in a group are very friendly. They play with each other,talk to each other, and help each other. Dolphins often work together to fightagainst other animals, and find food.Scientists watchdolphins in the Moreton Bay. Ina studies a group of dolphins for many years.She said, “When the dolphins live on natural food, I think it's more importantfor them to get on with others, or to learn from others, or to work with othersto get food.”      It’s true that thesefriendly dolphins will continue to teach the scientists about their ways, asthey live in the clear waters of Moreton Bay. 
第二部分  阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。                                                            A When day came, the sea was quietagain. I looked for our ship and, to my surprise, it was still there. I had toswim to it. I walked down to the sea and before long, I was near the ship and swamround it. But how could I get on to it? In the end, I got in through a hole(洞), but it wasn't easy.The back of the ship was high outof the water, and I was very thankful for this because all the ship's food wasthere. I was very hungry so I ate something first. Then I began to take some ofit back to the beach with me. But how could I get it there?I looked around the ship, andafter a few minutes, I found a long piece of wood(木板). Then I got the things that I wanted fromthe ship and put them on the wood. There was a big box of food—rice, meat, and breadand many other things.  Now I had to leave the ship.Slowly and carefully, I went back to the beach. It was difficult to stop mythings from falling into the sea, but in the end I got everything on to the land.
第一部分  完形填空阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。  Ice Cream From "Someone"Last week, after I finished takingfood to different families, I stopped by an ice cream shop. There were two  1   in it. While we waited for ice creams, wetalked about “ice cream” for a few minutes. I gave  2   tothe waiter after I took the ice cream. But he said the lady before me  3   it for me!  I went to  4   the two ladies before starting to eat myice cream, and they just smiled.     AfterI finished eating, I went back to their table to thank  5  again.One said, “What for?” I said, “One of you paid for my  6  ,and I just wanted to let you know how much I  7  it.”    I asked one, “Was it you?”     She  8   and said, “It was someone.”      So I asked the other lady, but she said the  9  words!     So I said, “If you see 'Someone', pleasetell them how much I enjoy the  10  ice cream!” What kind ladies they are!I just wished I had a smile card to give them!
第一部分  完形填空阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。  Ice Cream From "Someone"Last week, after I finished takingfood to different families, I stopped by an ice cream shop. There were two  1   in it. While we waited for ice creams, wetalked about “ice cream” for a few minutes. I gave  2   tothe waiter after I took the ice cream. But he said the lady before me  3   it for me!  I went to  4   the two ladies before starting to eat myice cream, and they just smiled.     AfterI finished eating, I went back to their table to thank  5  again.One said, “What for?” I said, “One of you paid for my  6  ,and I just wanted to let you know how much I  7  it.”    I asked one, “Was it you?”     She  8   and said, “It was someone.”      So I asked the other lady, but she said the  9  words!     So I said, “If you see 'Someone', pleasetell them how much I enjoy the  10  ice cream!” What kind ladies they are!I just wished I had a smile card to give them!
第一部分   完形填空。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。  Ice Cream From "Someone"Last week, after I finished takingfood to different families, I stopped by an ice cream shop. There were two  1   in it. While we waited for ice creams, wetalked about “ice cream” for a few minutes. I gave  2   tothe waiter after I took the ice cream. But he said the lady before me  3   it for me!  I went to  4   the two ladies before starting to eat myice cream, and they just smiled.     AfterI finished eating, I went back to their table to thank  5  again.One said, “What for?” I said, “One of you paid for my  6  ,and I just wanted to let you know how much I  7  it.”    I asked one, “Was it you?”     She  8   and said, “It was someone.”      So I asked the other lady, but she said the  9  words!     So I said, “If you see 'Someone', pleasetell them how much I enjoy the  10  ice cream!” What kind ladies they are!I just wished I had a smile card to give them!
A When day came, the sea was quietagain. I looked for our ship and, to my surprise, it was still there. I had toswim to it. I walked down to the sea and before long, I was near the ship and swamround it. But how could I get on to it? In the end, I got in through a hole(洞), but it wasn't easy.The back of the ship was high outof the water, and I was very thankful for this because all the ship's food wasthere. I was very hungry so I ate something first. Then I began to take some ofit back to the beach with me. But how could I get it there?I looked around the ship, andafter a few minutes, I found a long piece of wood(木板). Then I got the things that I wanted fromthe ship and put them on the wood. There was a big box of food—rice, meat, and breadand many other things.  Now I had to leave the ship.Slowly and carefully, I went back to the beach. It was difficult to stop mythings from falling into the sea, but in the end I got everything on to the land.B Dolphins are famous tobe very bright. They are good at using whistles(哨声) as their language.Dolphins usuallylive in groups. A group of dolphins near the beach usually has about 10members. Far away from the beach, groups can be much larger, with hundreds ofmembers. The members in a group are very friendly. They play with each other,talk to each other, and help each other. Dolphins often work together to fightagainst other animals, and find food.Scientists watchdolphins in the Moreton Bay. Ina studies a group of dolphins for many years.She said, “When the dolphins live on natural food, I think it's more importantfor them to get on with others, or to learn from others, or to work with othersto get food.”It’s true thatthese friendly dolphins will continue to teach the scientists about their ways,as they live in the clear waters of Moreton Bay. 
   Your teenage son looks like a grown man. He’s inches taller than his father, and his voice has turned deep. But his behavior is another matter. He makes hasty decisions, drives cars too fast and tends to make his parents annoyed.   That’s because his brain is developing more slowly than the rest of his body. Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health and UCLA conducted a decade-long study of normal brain development. They found that the frontal lobe, the area responsible for understanding future consequences, making wise decisions and controlling impulses(冲动), has not become mature (成熟的)until the early 20s.    Immature brains have fast-growing synapses(突触) and sections that remain unconnected. As a result, they’re easily influenced by the environment and susceptible to unexpected behavior.    This may explain the puzzling contradiction of adolescence. Teens are at their physical prime. Yet their death rates rise sharply. Study shows that rates of death by injury for people between the ages of 15 and 19 are six times those seen in kids ages 10 to 14. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that teens are four times more likely than older drivers to be involved in a car crash and three times more likely to die in one.    Adolescents also are more susceptible to the effects of drugs and alcohol. Rates of drug and alcohol abuse are high when compared with other age groups. Frances Jensen and David Urion, doctors at Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, discovered that adult brain cells recovered more quickly from alcohol exposure than younger brain cells. Jensen said in Harvard Magazine: “For a teenager, what he drank on the weekend is still with him during that test on Thursday.”    The implications for parents are clear. Teens aren’t making trouble on purpose. They desire independence, but they are still tender. They’re still forming into the adults they’ll eventually be. And, of course, they won’t be this age forever. Finally, they will grow up and become rational and wise adults.
      This year, The Voice of China (the second season) hit China again. The Voice of China was a Chinese reality talent show. It has greatly influenced China. Chinese audiences are also broadening their musical taste. And it wanted to bring back China’s belief in music. “Almost every other show in China looks at someone’s appearance to judge their talent,” says The Voice of China director Zhang Weiqi. “This isn’t one of those shows.”        The Voice of China was on Zhejiang Television. It gave a good stage for the people who loved singing songs and gave them a choice to show their voice people all over the world. In this season, Wang Feng, Na Ying, Zhang Huimei and Yu Chengqing were the teachers. They were popular and people liked to listen to their songs very much. They gave their students lots of help and helped them make great progress. The final battle was on October 1, 2013. Li Qi, the singer from Amei’s family won the first prize. Zhang Hengyuan was second and Xuan Xuan was third. We hope we can watch this programme next year.