

Watching tropical fish swim around a tank, it can seem like they don’t have a care in the world. And some of this tranquility clearly has an effect on humans—as research shows aquariums not only boost mood, but lower blood pressure and heart rate.

Scientists found that the more fish in the tank, the greater the beneficial effects. While much research has been carried out on the calming effects of green spaces and nature, little has been done on watching fish.

Experts from the National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth University and the University of Exeter assessed volunteers’ physical and mental responses to tanks containing different numbers of fish. They said tanks are often seen in doctors’ and dentists’ waiting rooms due to their comforting properties.

In the study, scientists assessed the mood, heart rate and blood pressure of participants in precisely the same setting as fish numbers in the exhibit gradually increased. Deborah Cracknell at the National Marine Aquarium said: “Fish tanks and displays are often associated with attempts at calming patients in doctors’ surgeries and dental waiting rooms. This study has, for the first time, provided firm evidence that a certain amount of exposure to underwater settings could actually have a positive impact on people’s well-being.”

Dr Sabine Pahl, Plymouth’s associate professor in psychology, said: “While large public aquariums typically focus on their educational mission, our study suggests they could offer a number of previously undiscovered benefits. In times of higher work stress and crowded urban living, perhaps aquariums can step in bringing to us calm and relaxation.”

Exeter’s environmental psychologist Dr Mathew White said: “Our findings have shown improvements for health and well-being in highly managed settings, providing an exciting possibility for people who aren’t able to access outdoor natural environments. If we can identify the behavioral system that supports the benefits we’re seeing, we can effectively bring some of the ‘outside’ inside and improve the well-being of people without ready access to nature.”


1.What did researchers find about watching tropical fish swim in a water tank?

A The tropical fish in the water tank seemed to be carefree.

B It benefited doctor’s surgeries and dental operations.

C It weakened people’s stress and lowered blood pressure.

D It was as valuable as outdoor natural environment.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段末句“... shows aquariums not only boost mood, but lower blood pressure and heart rate”可知,凝视鱼缸中的热带鱼 不仅能振奋人的心情,还能降低人的血压和心 率。故选 C。

2.Why do dentists and other doctors keep aquariums in their waiting rooms?

A To bring their patients some comfort.

B To offer some fish for their patients.

C To feel like they’re underwater.

D To help with doctors’ surgeries.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第三段最后一句 “They said tanks are often seen in doctors’ and dentists’ waiting rooms due to their comforting properties.” 以及第四段的“Fish tanks and displays are often associated with attempts at calming patients in doctors’surgeries and dental waiting rooms.”可知, 医生们在候诊室安放鱼缸就是为了安抚病人的 情绪。故选 A。

3.What are large public aquariums usually used for?

A Helping visitors learn something.

B Discovering new advantages.

C Relieving high work stress.

D Bringing calm and relaxation.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第五段的“While large public aquariums typically focus on their educational mission” 可知,大型的公共水族馆通 常聚焦于教育任务,即教参观者们一些东西。故 选 A。

4.What does the underlined word most probably refer to in the last paragraph?

A Underwater settings.

B Crowded city life.

C Educational mission.

D Natural environments.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据下文的“without ready access to nature”可知,这里的 outside 指的是自然环境, 因为人们普遍认为,大自然环境,尤其是绿色的空间有助于人们减缓情绪压力。故选 D。