
Do you enjoy playing video games? Have you ever thought about what it would be like to design them for a living? Today, let’s talk about Mitu Khandaker’s cool job. Mitu Khandaker is a game developer, someone who codes(编程序) and designs games. And she also teaches games.

Being a game developer is like wearing a lot of different hats at once. One minute, she might be fixing some code. Another minute, she might be solving a design problem, or creating art. The other part of the job is working with people. It’s very collaborative(合作的).

The best game designers are people who have a wide range of interests, because you want to bring those into games. So yes, you might love playing games. But you might also be someone who loves painting or writing stories, or making music, or even just listening to music. For example, Mitu Khandaker loves listening to hip-hop. Whatever your interests are, there is a space for that in games to tell these amazing new stories.

If you want to be a game designer, Mitu Khandaker would say follow your passion and believe in yourself. If you like writing stories, or you like drawing or painting or designing board games—whatever it is—there is a place for you in games. Don’t take no for an answer. That’s how she got to where she is.

If you enjoy learning about more interesting jobs, find more on Your Hot Job, a career-focused website for kids.
