
Do kids need homework? Some of our readers insist that the extra work reinforces what they learn in class. Others say homework adds to students’ stress and takes time away from exercise or learning something new. Here are some students’ opinions.

When kids learn something new in school, reviewing it at home helps them remember it. Our homework gives our teachers valuable information. It tells them whether students are paying attention in class and who needs extra help. Homework is important at every stage of learning. —Peter, 9

Kids are learning for six hours a day at school, focusing on subjects from math and science to history and reading. Adding another hour of work for kids to do at home is just having them repeat what they’ve been doing all day. Plus, homework takes time away from activities like team sports, hobbies, exercise, and playing. These are just as important as schoolwork. Homework just covers what they already learned in class. It’s pointless. —Mike, 11

In my opinion, giving students homework is a bad idea. Kids need time after school for experiences that build a healthy mind and body. Homework is not supposed to stress kids out. It’s meant to help them grow. But when homework heaps up, students get stressed. And the quality of homework that a stressed-out mind produces is low. Doing homework poorly is worse than doing no homework. As long as students are working hard in class, it’s best not to give them extra work.  —Olivia, 9

Many people believe that homework is essential. They say it can teach kids how to complete tasks on a deadline. Homework teaches students positive work habits. But it takes time away from learning material that wasn’t covered in class. And there’s no guarantee(保证) that time spent on homework will be more effective than time spent in the classroom, if students are paying attention and taking notes. Homework should not be done away with completely. But it should be reduced so students have more time for creative activities. — Nancy, 11


1. What does the underlined word “pointless” mean?(词义猜测

A    Worthless.

B    Endless.

C    Meaningless.

D    Restless.
