
I recently saw this sentence in a book: “When we can’t change our situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” All of us have things we wish we could change: the environment, relationships, and past hurts. But the uncomfortable truth is that there are things in life that may never change, no matter how much we wish they would. Whatever it is in your life, here are 3 ways to deal with things we can never change.

Adjust(调节) your course of action.

I love the old saying, “   ▲    ”  When I find myself in a situation that I wish was different, I won’t ask “Why?” Instead, I’ll ask, “What?” or “How?” What can I learn from this? Or how can I adjust my way to better deal with this situation or person?

Change yourself.

Terrible experiences make you different. But they can change you for better or for worse. I’ve seen people who seemingly have the happiest lives yet still find reasons to be unhappy. But I’ve seen others whose lives were hard, still smiled. Dealing with terrible experiences is all about a way of thinking about things. When you can’t change your situation, choose to change yourself. Change is hard, but not changing is sometimes much harder.

Stay positive(积极的).

Be a positive person. Make the world a better place by learning from others’ mistakes so you don’t repeat them. And if there’s something negative(消极的) in your own family, be the one to change it in your family’s future.
