

The height of the Himalayas has dropped by around one metre as a result of the Nepal earthquake, scientists say. But they add that the drop will roughly be balanced by slow uplift due to tectonic activity. And they have yet to analyse satellite images of the region in which the most famous Himalayan peak - Everest - is located. However, there continues to research over exactly how tall Everest is.

The Langtang range is the region where many locals are still missing, after the landslides caused by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake on 25 April. Scientists believe the height of a handful of other Himalayan peaks, including the Ganesh Himal to the west of the Langtang range, may also have dropped. The satellite images they have analysed so far have focused on central Nepal, which was the hardest hit by the quake. Everest is to the east of this main shaking zone. 

Scientists say whether or not the world's highest peak saw a change in its height by few centimetres will have to be further confirmed by ground survey. Scientists with DLR's Earth Observation Centre of compared two separate images of the same region sent by the satellite, before and after the quake. The study has also found that areas including the capital, Kathmandu, to the south of the Himalayan mountains have been uplifted by the quake.

Scientists say the drop and the uplift are normal during an earthquake of this scale. Normally, the Himalayas are on the rise because of the collision between the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates(欧亚板块). But during major earthquakes the process gets reversed, experts say.


1.After the earthquake, the Himalayas _____.

A became shorter all the time

B never changed its height

C first dropped and rose then

D rose by around one metre

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。从文章第1段第2句的 But they add that the drop will roughly be balanced by slow uplift due to tectonic activity可以得知喜马拉雅山先是降了,然后由于地质构造活动又升高了。

2.The scientists study the height change by ______.

A comparing the satellite images

B measuring the tectonic activity

C locating the place of earthquake

D sending up some other satellites

解析:选A。A。 细节理解题。根据第3段第2句的Scientists with DLR's Earth Observation Centre of compared two separate images of the same region sent by the satellite, before and after the quake.得知研究者是通过比对地震前后的卫星图片来得知高度的变化的。

3.What caused many local people lost?

A The drop of the Himalayas.

B The uplift of the mountain.

C The collision between mountains

D The landslides of the moutains.

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。根据第2段第1句的after the landslides caused by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake on 25 April.可知的山体滑坡让那么失去联系。

4.Which of the following became higher?

A The Ganesh Himal

B Kathmandu

C The Langtang range

D The Himalayas.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第3段最后一句的The study has also found that areas including the capital, Kathmandu, to the south of the Himalayan mountains have been uplifted by the quake可以得知是加德满都升高了。

5.The underlined “the process gets reversed” may mean ______.

A the Himalayas dropped

B the Himalayas fell down

C the Indian tectonic plate moved

D the Eurasian tectonic plate rose

解析:选A。A。根据第4段前面的Normally, the Himalayas are on the rise可知正常情况下喜马拉雅山一直在增长,结合前面的but转折可以推知此处的the process gets reversed指的是喜马拉雅山的高度降低。