

The first citizens will arrive on Friday to live in the world’s newest self-declared country —Liberland, a tiny area of woodland and fields on the sandy banks of the River Danube.

The establishment of the pocket-sized nation was declared earlier this month on land which lies between Croatia and Serbia. The founders said that it was never properly claimed by either country.

Liberland has its own flag, which features an eagle and a sun, a constitution, and a motto—“To live and let live”. Its self-appointed ruler is Vit Jedlicka, a conservative, anti-EU Czech politician and admirer of Britain’s Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP.

Known officially as the Free Republic of Liberland, the country’s independence was formally declared on April 13. Some 120 would-be citizens are expected to arrive on Friday for what has been called the state’s first Liberty Day. The would-be Liberlanders are encouraged to bring food, beer and “all necessary equipment for comfortable survival in nature”, including tents and sleeping bags. The first 100 people to turn up to the site, which lies at the end of a dusty road on the west bank of the Danube, will be granted honorary citizenship.

Liberland has not been recognized by any other country, least of all Serbia or Croatia, but that has not stopped 300,000 people around the world from applying for honorary citizenship. Liberland’s right to exist may be legally questionable but that has not stopped its founders from dreaming of building a flourishing, free-market economy, with a large population living in yet-to-be built skyscrapers.

“This is about limiting the powers of the state. Governments have grown so big.”  ‘President’ Jedlicka told The Telegraph. “We are part of a great libertarian movement that is growing around the world. Governments are becoming increasingly unpopular.”

Mr Jedlicka says he wanted to fulfill the dreams of his seven-year-old daughter, who told him she longed to be a princess.


1.Why could the founders claim the ownership of the small land?

A Because it was a small piece of sandy land.

B Because it was between Croatia and Serbia.

C Because it didn’t belong to either country.

D Because Jedlicka’s daughter wanted to own it.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第2段The founders said that it was never properly claimed by either country可知,这块贫瘠的土地位于克罗地亚和塞尔维亚之间,两国均未声明对其的所有权,这使得自由之国的建立者能够声明拥有权。

2.How many people would receive honorary citizenship?

A 100.

B 120.

C 300,000.

D 500.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第4段The first 100 people …will be granted honorary citizenship可知,前100名到来者将被授予名誉公民。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A It’s more likely that the new country won’t be recognized by the world.

B New citizens will live a comfortable life in Liberland.

C Liberland is a small country with flourishing economy and tall buildings.

D There will be no government in Liberland in the future.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第5段Liberland’s right to exist may be legally questionable…可知,鉴于其存在的合法性还不确定,自由之国不一定能被国际社会承认。

4.Why does the author write this passage?

A To encourage people to apply for citizenship of the tiny state.

B To praise Mr. Jedlicka’s enthusiasm in libertarian movement.

C To raise the readers’ curiosity about this tiny country.

D To give a general report about the newly-established country.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。综合全文判断,作者写作这篇文章目的是为了报道这篇文章的基本情况,并没有其他特别用意。