

National Guard troops are guarding the eastern U.S. city of Baltimore, Maryland. The action is part of an effort to re-establish order a day after rioting caused widespread destruction there. The violence started after the funeral of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man. He died from injuries suffered while police detained him.

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency in Baltimore. The city’s public schools were closed Tuesday. Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has declared a week-long night-time curfew. She called the riots, “one of the darkest days the city has ever faced.”

The violence began as hundreds of high school students protested Freddie Gray’s death after classes had been dismissed for the day. Protesters attacked and burned businesses and vehicles. Some threw stones, bottles and other objects at police. Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said 15 officers were injured in the clashes. More than 200 people were arrested.

“I understand anger,” said Mayor Rawlings-Blake, “What we see isn’t anger – it’s the destruction of a community. My heart is obviously broken because somebody did not understand that we were for the community. Somebody did not understand that we were working on behalf of the community to invest, when nobody else would.”

Monday night, the family of Freddie Gray called for the rioting to stop. His mother, Gloria Darden, spoke to reporters. “I want you all to get justice for my son, but don’t do it like this here. Don’t tear up the whole city, man. Just for him? It’s wrong.”

Freddie Gray suffered severe spinal cord injuries after he was arrested on April 12. Officials say he was not placed correctly while being transported in a police vehicle. Police Commissioner Batts said officers were slow to recognize that he needed medical attention. 

His death has become the latest incident to fuel protests about contacts between police and minorities in the United States.

The U.S. Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation have ordered a civil rights investigation into Freddie Gray’s death. The Baltimore Police Department says it expects more information about the case on May 1.


1.What caused the violence in Baltimore?

A National Guard Troops were stationed in Baltimore.

B People held funeral for Freddie Gray, a black man.

C Freddie Gray died after being detained by the police.

D Public schools were closed in Baltimore.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第1段最后两句The violence started after the funeral of Freddie Gray...He died from injuries suffered while police detained him可知,巴尔的摩骚乱是格雷在警局遭羁押死亡引起的。

2.Why did protesters attack police and burn businesses and vehicles?

A To tear up the City of Baltimore.

B To show their anger and dissatisfaction.

C To destroy the city where they live.

D To draw attention of the world.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。综合文章第234段可知,骚乱是示威者们为了表示对当局的不满和对执法者的愤怒,想让正义得到伸张而引发的,由第5段Gray母亲呼吁骚乱停止,可知这种方式并不可取。

3.What does the underlined word most probably mean in Paragraph Seven?

A Make a situation worse.

B Provide gas to a vehicle.

C Cause an incident to take place.

D Draw attention to the public.

解析:选A。A 猜测词义题。根据语境可知,警方在处理种族问题时手段粗鲁,草菅人命,使黑人区的骚乱愈演愈烈。因此可知,fuel意为“使……恶化,激化”。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A Life will return to normal soon in Baltimore.

B Freddie Gray was beaten to death by police.

C People were not allowed to go out at night in the city.

D The US police have problems working with minorities.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章第7段His death has become the latest incident to fuel protests about contacts between police and minorities in the United States可知,警方处理黑人社区事务时常常激起示威游行,由此判断,他们在种族事务的处理上是有问题的—他们对待黑人的手段太过残忍,令人难以忍受。