

Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini says the four-month ban given to Luis Suarez for biting him is excessive.

Suarez, 27, bit the Juventus player during Uruguay’s 1-0 win over Italy and has been banned from all football-related activity until the end of October by world governing body FIFA.

Suarez, who flew back to the Uruguayan capital Montevideo in early hours of Friday morning, denied the biting accusation following his clash with Chiellini, claiming the centre-half had knocked into him.

But FIFA decided he was guilty and handed him the longest ban in World Cup history. He was also banned from taking part in international matches and given a fine of 100,000 Swiss francs (£65,680).

Writing on his  personal website, Chiellini, 29, said: “I have always considered the competent bodies make judgments of justice, but at the same time I believe that the punishment is excessive. Now inside me there’s no feelings of joy, revenge or anger against Suarez for such an incident that happened during the match. My only thought is for Luis and his family, because they will face a very difficult period.”

Former Argentina captain and manager Maradona declared his support for the Liverpool striker on his television show De Zurda on Thursday night. Maradona wore a T-shirt on his TV show bearing the words ‘Luisito Estamos Con Vos’ – ‘Luis we are with you’.

“The FIFA decision is shameful, they don’t consider the feelings of the fans, they might as well handcuff him and throw him into prison,” said Maradona, who was wearing a T-shirt bearing the message ‘Luis, we are with you’. “It hurts that they have cut short the career of a lad who is a winner. It’s an excessive ban, FIFA cannot talk about morals to anyone.”

Maradona interviewed Uruguay’s president Jose Mujica during the programme, broadcast on Telesur TV.

“We Uruguayans are full of anger, those coming from below do not understand anything,” said Mujica, who claimed FIFA used “a different standard” to judge certain countries.

“That’s what hurts and angers us the most,” he added.


1.Why was Suarez banned from all football-related activity until the end of October?

A Because he knocked into Chiellini during a match

B Because he bit Chiellini during the match.

C Because FIFA used a different standard to him.

D Because he didn’t understand the fans’ feelings.


2.What was the attitude of Chiellini towards Suarez?

A Enthusiastic.

B Amazed.

C Shameful.

D Sympathetic.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第五段My only thought is for Luis and his family, because they will face a very difficult period可以判断,Chiellini现在对Suarez的态度是同情。

3.What is implied in what former football star Maradona does?

A He was once captain of the Argentine Team.

B He thinks FIFA’s decision upon Suarez is unfair.

C He will play matches with Suarez in World Cup.

D He thinks that Suarez’s football career is short.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第七段援引的马拉多纳的话The FIFA decision is shameful…可知,马拉多纳认为国际足联的裁决是不公平的、不体面的、没有考虑球迷们的感情。故选B。

4.Why does the writer introduce the Uruguayan president’s words in the last part of the passage?

A To put stress on people’s disagreement with FIFA’s decision.

B To show that FIFA officials come below and know nothing.

C To tell that FIFA has different standards with some countries.

D To show that the Uruguayan president is a TV star.


5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A Luis Suarez Banned from Matches

B Different Standards of FIFA

C Excessive Punishment for a “Bite”

D Maradona Supports Louis Suarez
