

Paula Williams Madison spent her whole life looking for her big family. As a child she asked her half Chinese, half Jamaican mother questions about their family’s past. 

Her mother, Nell Vera Lowe, was a descendant from China. Nell’s father Samuel Lowe left her when she was 3 years old. She told Madison he left Jamaica and went back to China and died there. 

After a lifetime of looking for her family Madison had no idea the lineage would date back over 3000 years. In 2012, Madison and 19 Black Chinese family members flew to China. Over 300 of Samuel Lowe’s descendants welcomed them. 

In a visit to her grandfather’s grave, Madison was in tears. “I am so happy that I am standing here in China before his grave, we the families are together”


1.Where is Paula Williams Madison from?

A She is from China.

B She is from Jamaica(牙买加).

C She is from Japan.

D She is from Vietnam(越南).


2.Who was 3 years old when Samuel Lowe left?

A Paula Williams Madison.

B Nell Vera Lowe.

C Nell Vera Lowe’s daughter.

D Paula Williams Madison’s brother.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第2段第2句Nell’s father Samuel Lowe left her when she was 3 years old.可知,故选B。

3.Where was Samuel Lowe from?

A He was from China.

B He was from Jamaica.

C He was from Japan.

D He was from Vietnam.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第2段最后一句She told Madison he left Jamaica and went back to China and died there. 可知,故选A。

4.How many descendants did Samuel Lowe have?

A 19

B 300

C 319

D over 320.

解析:选D。D判断推理题。根据第3段内容Paula Williams Madison带了19个家庭成员飞抵中国,而中国有她祖父的300多个后代迎接他们,可知她祖父的后代超过320人,故选D。

5.Paula Williams Madison was in tears means she was______.

A sad.

B happy.

C angry.

D worried.

解析:选B。B 态度观点题。根据最后一段I am so happy that I am standing here in China before his grave, we the families are together可知,故选B。