

ANSAN, South Korea —Wednesday, more than 70 teenagers who survived a ferry sinking walked to their first classes since the April disaster.

Some of the 73 students, wearing white and black uniforms and carrying book bags, bowed their heads as they cried and walked slowly from a bus to the school entrance. They still remembered the April 16 sinking, which left more than 300 people dead or missing. Of the 325 students on a class trip to the southern holiday island of Jeju, 75 were rescued, 245 died and five are still missing.

The 15 crew members responsible for navigating the Sewol ferry face charges for failing to perform their duties to rescue passengers. Prosecutors say they abandoned the ship even though they knew passengers would be trapped and killed when the ferry sank. Many South Koreans also fault the government, the coast guard and even society for failing the victims.

“We ask for a thorough investigation to find out why our friends and teachers had to become victims and why the rescue efforts didn’t proceed properly and led to more victims,” one of the surviving students, Shin Young-jin, said in an emotional address. 

Many South Koreans are now questioning the country’s history of ignoring safety issues as it pursued rapid economic development. The government of President Park Geun-hye, has been criticized that it should have done more before the sinking on safety and monitoring issues. This eventually ruined the rescue operations.

Shin, the student, said that many people have tried to comfort the surviving students, but some people were “burying daggers in our hearts” by saying that the survivors “betrayed” their classmates by coming back alive. “Whenever we heard such things, our hearts tore apart and ached and we shed tears because we felt guilty and sorry for our friends.”

“Just as we cannot forget them, we ask that the citizens of this country also never forget them,” Shin said of the dead, stopping at one point as tears choked his words. 


1.Why did the students cry when they walked to school entrance?

A They were scared of the ferry sinking.

B They felt sorry for the dead classmates.

C They were excited to go back to school.

D They felt guilty about the accident.


2.What are the crew members charged for?

A They trapped the passengers in the ferry.

B They ruined the rescue operation.

C They didn't carry out their duties for rescue.

D They failed to stop the ferry from sinking.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段首句…face charges for failing to perform their duties to rescue passengers可知,船员遭起诉的原因是他们没有尽到救援乘客的责任。

3.Why do South Koreans criticize the government?

A It was the government that caused the ferry sinking.

B The government didn’t carry out the rescue operation.

C The government didn’t pay attention to safety issues.

D The government had no history of handling safety issues.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第五段…criticized that it should have done more before the sinking on safety and monitoring issues可知,政府方面忽视了安全问题,失于监控,从而最终酿成大祸。

4.What is implied in the passage?

A Rapid economic development will lead to safety problems.

B One should feel guilty to be alive while his friends are dead.

C People began to doubt about the government’s negligence of safety issues.

D South Korean has never paid attention to safety issues.


5.Why does the writer write Paragraph Six?

A To ask people to stop blaming the surviving students.

B To tell people not to betray their friends and classmates.

C To tell people not to bury daggers in the hearts of the students.

D To blame the students who survived while others died.

解析:选A。推理判断题。作者侧重叙述了一些人认为幸存学生是背叛同学和朋友的看法,通过沈永祯的话表达了他们需要安慰、需要理解的心情,对这种看法委婉提出了批评。bury daggers in one’s heart可以理解为“在伤口上再撒把盐”,使某人更加受到伤害。作者描写第六段的目的是呼吁人们不要再责难幸存的学生。