
If you frequently find yourself covered in mosquito bites, you can blame your genes. For British scientists have discovered evidence that some people are simply born to attract mosquitoes. In experiments they found that people’s body smell attracted the insects in different ways - and this was strongly influences by genetics.

The team, led by scientists at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, found that pairs of identical twins - who share 100 per cent of their genes - are equally attractive to mosquitoes. Non-identical twins, who only share about 50 per cent of their genes, are different in the degree to which they attract the bugs, the scientists found.

The research, published in the journal PLOS One, provides strong evidence that your chance of being bitten is genetically-driven. The results show that it has a similar link to genes as height and IQ. 

The findings build on previous work linking body odour to the chances of being attacked by mosquitoes. The team think that some people produce a natural insect repellent that keeps them safe. They believe that, with further research, it may be possible to take a pill that encourages the production of this repellent odour.

Lead scientist Dr James Logan said: ‘By investigating the genetic mechanism we can move closer to using this knowledge for better ways of keeping us safe from bites and the diseases insects can spread through bites. If we understand the genetic basis it could be possible to develop ways to control mosquitoes better, and develop new ways to repel them. In the future we may even be able to take a pill which will increase the production of natural repellents by the body.”


1.How could the scientists know the power of gene?

A By covering mosquito bites.

B By blaming people’s genes.

C By telling the smell of people.

D By feeding insects differently.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据第1段第3句的In experiments they found that people’s body smell attracted the insects in different ways - and this was strongly influences by genetics可以得知通过断定人们身体的气味来断定不同的基因。

2.The scientists compare two kinds of twins to _______.

A figure out some are attractive

B show how twins share genes

C find how twins are same

D prove the influence of genes

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据第2段第2句的Non-identical twins, who only share about 50 per cent of their genes, are different in the degree to which they attract the bugs, the scientists found可以得知比较两种不同的双胞胎是为了验证基因的影响。

3.Which of the following is NOT decided by gene?

A People’s ways of dressing.

B People’s being bitten.

C People’s being very clever

D People’s growing tall

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据第3段第2句的The results show that it has a similar link to genes as height and IQ可知受基因决定的是人们的智商、身高和是否容易被蚊子叮咬;文章没有提到穿衣服的习惯。故该题的正确答案为A。

4.The underlined “a natural insect repellent” in the fourth paragraph may refer to ______.

A the further research

B the mosquito bite

C the body odour

D the medicine

解析:选C。C。词意推测题。根据第4段第1句的The findings build on previous work linking body odour to the chances of being attacked by mosquitoes可知人的身体释放的气味是蚊子的天然防御,因此a natural insect repellent指的是“身体气味”。

5.By studying the genetic mechanism, people can help ______.

A prevent the insect spreading disease

B find a way to kill the dangerous insect

C produce the pill to kill the mosquitoes

D get a similar link with the knowledge

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章最后1段第1句的using this knowledge for better ways of keeping us safe from bites and the diseases insects can spread through bites可知研究基因能让人们避免蚊子通过叮咬传播疾病。