

The Clintons are the wealthiest living family to leave the White House, but Hillary Clinton said in an interview released over the weekend that she doesn’t think her wealth will turn Americans against her if she runs for president in 2016.

Since leaving the Obama administration, Clinton has charged $200,000 on average for paid speeches. However, she told the Guardian on Saturday that she doesn’t find her income level problematic because she and Bill pay ‘ordinary’ taxes. “They don’t see me as part of the problem because we pay ordinary income tax, unlike a lot of people who are truly well off,” Clinton said.

“Bill and I worked hard for everything we got in our lives and we have continued to work hard. And we’ve been blessed in the last 14 years,” Clinton told Good Morning America host Robin Roberts.

In 2004 Bill locked down an unheard of $15 million advance for his autobiography My Life, and, as of last year, he had made $106 million off of speeches. 

His net worth as of last February was $55 million, and he has continued to make money off of speeches since.

Hillary Clinton has made roughly $5 million in speeches since leaving the State Department last year, and she had made more than $16 million in advances for her two memoirs, In Living History, 2003, and Hard Choices, 2014.

Bill and Hillary Clinton also own a three story, 5,152-sq-ft home in DC that has four bedrooms, six bathrooms and a basement. The average home in their neighborhood is valued at $6,586,000.

In terms of the richest presidents ever, Bill Clinton ranks in the top 10. President Barack Obama has the lowest net worth of all the living presidents, coming in at $5 million. Most of that money came from the two books he wrote before becoming president, the 1995 his Dreams from My Father and his 2006 book The Audacity of Hope.

The wealthiest American president in history, according to Wall Street, was John F. Kennedy, who left behind $1 billion in shared property with other members of the Kennedy family. 


1.What do we know from the first paragraph?

A The Clintons are the richest family in the United States.

B Hillary Clinton expects to run for the 2016 presidential election.

C Last weekend, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by media.

D The American people don’t like her any more as she is rich.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段she doesn’t think her wealth will turn Americans against her if she runs for president in 2016可知,希拉里不认为她的财产会招致美国人民反对她参加2016年竞选总统,由此可知,希拉里是希望参加2016年的总统竞选的。

2.Why does Clintons say that their income is not problematic?

A Because they are not truly well off.

B Because the charges were not high enough.

C Because a lot of people don’t pay taxes.

D Because they have paid ordinary taxes.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段because she and Bill pay ‘ordinary’ taxes可知,希拉里坚持认为自家的收入不存在问题,因为他们是纳了税的。

3.What does the underlined word most probably mean in Paragraph Four?

A Money paid in advance.

B Moving forward.

C Development.

D Increase.

解析:选A。猜测词义题。根据lock down,结合语境中的$15 million判断,advance意为“预付款”。

4.How much have the Clintons earned from making speeches and writing books?

A $142millon.

B $55 million.

C $106 million.

D 6586000

解析:选A。数字运算题。根据文章中提供的克林顿和希拉里的稿费及演讲所得:15+106+ 5+16=142(m),故选A。

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A One can get wealthy by giving speeches.

B You must pay taxes when you make a lot of money.

C Speeches and books by former leaders are very popular.

D Books written by former presidents are best sellers.
