
Travel doesn’t come cheap, but it is possible to see some of the most amazing places on the planet on a tight budget. All it takes is a few sacrifices and hard work. Here are some of the ways travelers can keep their costs down while enjoying their journey.

Stay in a stranger’s house

House-sitting is one of the easiest ways to cut costs on a trip abroad with the need to spend a huge amount of money on accommodation reduced. Depending on the arrangement with the owner, food and transport may be included in exchange for taking care of the person’s home and, in some cases, pets.

Make a difference

There are plenty of organizations that allow people to volunteer in countries where help is needed. They allow people to travel to places they normally wouldn’t visit as a regular tourist and make a positive contribution to the world.

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF), for example, connects farmers and those who are looking to learn more about the industry. Hosts provide accommodation, food and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles in exchange for four to six hours of volunteer work per day. 

Teach English abroad

It’s not uncommon for those who live in England, the US, Canada or Australia to hear about a friend or a friend of a friend traveling abroad to teach English. The usual destinations where English-language teachers are in demand include South Korea, China, Japan and Jordan. One way to find teach jobs abroad is through the British Council, which runs a language assistant programme for those who have completed at least two years of university education.

Get paid to hit the slopes

Ski resorts in breathtaking locations all over Europe and North America offer seasonal work for a variety of positions, including instructors and cooks. Knowing how to ski isn’t a must, but it’s the perfect opportunity for those who are passionate about skiing or snowboarding, or keen to learn.


1. In the article, the writer wants to show ______.

A how to make the traveling budget tight

B how to earn a lot of money by working hard

C how to travel abroad without paying much

D how to have a good journey more enjoyable

解析:选C。C。主旨大意题。从文章第1段第3句的Here are some of the ways travelers can keep their costs down while enjoying their journey可以得知作者写该文章的目的是介绍了几种降低国外旅行费用的方法。

2.The house-sitting cuts the cost of trips because _______

A the owners sell tasty food

B travelers accommodate free

C transport will be included

D the owners care for their pets

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第2段with the need to spend a huge amount of money on accommodation reduced可知花费在住宿的钱省了,因此旅游费用也就节约了。

3.World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms can help travelers to _____.

A sense the pleasure of helping

B learn the industrial lifestyles

C help those who are in danger

D work six hours every week

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据第3段第2句的They allow people to travel to places they normally wouldn’t visit as a regular tourist and make a positive contribution to the world可知该组织让旅游者能够感觉到帮助他人的快乐的。

4.A person who wants to teach English abroad must ______.

A become interested in living in China

B go to the place where teachers are needed

C turn to the British Council for help

D study in university more than two years

解析:选D。D。根据第5段最后一句which runs a language assistant programme for those who have completed at least two years of university education可知要想在国外教英语至少要在大学学习两年。

5.Where could people hit the slopes?

A The places with much snow.

B The place with organic foods.

C The place with mental work .

D The place with many cooks.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段who are passionate about skiing or snowboarding可以得知喜爱滑雪的人能得到这份工作,因此能让人们从事这样工作的地方应该是有很多雪的地方。