

Many people around the world leave their home country for a better education and better job in another country. A woman from Sri Lanka named Ashanthi Mathai has a story like that.

Ms. Mathai came to the United States from Sri Lanka in the early 1990s. She had a clear idea of what she wanted -- a good education. Ms. Mathai went to Princeton University in New Jersey and got a degree in chemical engineering. She continued her education at Stanford Business School in California. Then, she began her career in the health care industry.

Now, Ms. Mathai has another goal -- helping Sri Lanka.

Four years ago, Mathai was visiting Sri Lanka for her job. During the trip, someone asked her if she would be willing to collect used eye glasses in the United States. The donated glasses were to be used for a Sri Lankan program on preventing blindness. She learned there was a great need in Sri Lanka. She says many people in the country have vision problems that go untreated because of the high cost of eye care services.

Eye glasses can cost between 50 and 100 U.S. dollars. So, they are out-of-reach to most of the population. But instead of recycling used glasses, Ms. Mathai took a different approach.

Mathai founded So Others May See or SOMS. The non-profit company helps people who need eye care in Sri Lanka. To date, SOMS has helped about 24,000 adults with eye exams and new eye glasses.

Mathai says there is still more that needs to be done. She says she wants her non-profit, SOMS, to treat more complex cases and to prevent vision problems. She says she is also planning to expand the service to another part of the population. She says she wants to include people who may not be very poor but who still cannot afford to buy glasses.


1.From the first two paragraphs, we can infer that___.

A education in Sri Lanka is not so good as in America

B those who leave their homeland are seeking for better education

C only those who seek for better education leave their homeland

D in early 1990s, Sri Lanka was still a very poor country


2.Ms. Mathai from Sri Lanka has attended_____universities in America.

A more than two

B three

C only one

D two

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据第2段可知,她在美国的Princeton University和 Stanford大学先后就读。然后参加了工作。

3.What is Ms Mathai’s paid work?

A Engineer in chemical.

B Helping Sri Lanka.

C A health care worker.

D Collecting used eye glasses.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第2段最后一句she began her career in the health care industry.可知,她是一个 health care worker。 paid work指领薪水的工作,non-profit非赢利性的。

4.What is So Others May See?

A A non-profit company in America which recycles used eye glasses.

B A non-profit organization which helps people with eye problems.

C A rich man who has helped about 24,000 adults with eye problems.

D A rich man who helps Ms Mathai collect used eye glasses.

解析:选B。4.B。细节理解题。根据倒数第2段可知,So Others May See即SOMS,是一个非赢利性公司,专门帮助那些有眼睛疾病的人。

5.Which of the following is Not correct about Ms. Mathai?

A She is planning to expand her service.

B She wants SOMS to treat more complex cases in Sri Lanka.

C She wants to help anyone who can not afford to buy glasses in Sri Lanka.

D She took recycled glasses to Sri Lanka.

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。A、B、C在文章的最后一段都有描述。根据第5段But instead of recycling used glasses, Ms. Mathai took a different approach.可知,她采取的的是其他办法。