

Want to send your kids to university without debt? You’ll need to save £265.12 a month from the moment they're born until they reach 18.

And if you want to support them in learning to drive, you may want to put away another £11.73 a month to cover the average driving costs.

Yet half of parents don’t save a penny towards their kids’ major financial hurdles, a survey said.

What you need to save to give your child a head start

Will they graduate with debt or no debt? Let’s be clear - there’s nothing wrong with giving your kid a bit of tough love.For example, you’d have to save £51.47 every year to pay for your child’s lavish wedding at age 34.But who spends £21,000 on a wedding when they can do it for under 2 grand? When it comes to university, though, you may want to plan ahead. More than one in three parents who do save said they want the money to go towards university fees. Or you could move to Scotland, of course, where university is free.And the cold hard truth of the property market is most successful first-time buyers get help from their parents.

Grow money in a Child Trust Fund.

They can pick it when they're older.If your child was born between 2002 and 2010 they may already have a savings pot called a Child Trust Fund. It will help you to save money every day.


1.How much should you save if you want your kids to university without debt?

A £11.73

B £51.47

C £265.12

D £21,000

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第1段第2句“You’ll need to save £265.12 a month from the moment they're born until they reach 18..”可知。

2.What does the underlined word hurdles mean in Chinese?

A 危机

B 障碍

C 海啸

D 跨栏

解析:选B。B 词义辨析题。根据文章第3段Yet half of parents don’t save a penny towards their kids’ major financial可知,近一半的家长没有节省一分钱让孩子们顺利通过金融障碍。

3.From the third paragraph, we can know_______ .

A You should save £51.47 every month to pay for your child’s wedding at age 34.

B You should plan ahead for your kids’ university.

C Students will pay a lot of money when they study in Scotland’s university.

D More than 2 in three parents are getting ready for the kids’ university fees.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第4段第5句“When it comes to university, though, you may want to plan ahead.”可知。

4.________may help you grow the money.

A A Child Trust Fund .

B A Child Bank

C A Child Organization

D A Child company

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第5段第2句“If your child was born between 2002 and 2010 they may already have a savings pot called a Child Trust Fund.”可知。

5.The passage maybe is _______.

A a piece of news.

B a story

C an advertisement

D a survey

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。根据文章第5段“If your child was born between 2002 and 2010 they may already have a savings pot called a Child Trust Fund. It will help you to save money every day.”可知。这是一则广告,目的是让家长去买这个理财产品。