

English is the language of many international conferences. Sometimes a speaker might use a kind of "World English" that audience members do not understand. This can be true even for listeners who are native speakers of English.

For this reason, Professor Charles Lebeau says the visual message is important. The visual message includes pictures, charts and other aids a speaker presents during the talk. A non-native speaker of English can understand a picture. It can help carry the message when the presenter's words are hard to understand.

English speakers prefer a ‘linear' style, which has one main idea. The speaker supports that idea with details or arguments, and then closes the talk by retelling the idea. 

Preparing the story message helps speakers give a successful presentation. Professor LeBeau gives these five tips for academic presentations, such as those given at professional conferences.

1. Understand the difference between a title and a topic. A topic is general, but a title is more specific. Make sure the title explains the benefit of your subject.

2. Provide an image for those who are not experts in your subject. Explain how your research relates to other fields.

3. Work on transitions (linking words or phrases) as you go from image to image. These should make the connections between your ideas clear. Professor LeBeau says transitions serve as bridges to each new image.

4. Look at each image from the audience's point of view. What questions might they have about each image? Prepare an extra image that would help explain the most difficult question you expect.

5. Rehearse (预演) your presentation with a timing device. At most conferences, there is a time limit. It is disrespectful to take more than your share of the time. Cut your presentation to fit the time you are permitted.

Using these tips for improving your presentations in English should help make the process easier.


1.What does the author mean by ‘a kind of world English’?

A At international conferences only this kind of ‘world English’ can be used.

B The speakers do speak English, but for some reason, others don’t understand.

C Native speakers don’t understand ‘world English’ at international conferences.

D Speakers shouldn’t speak that kind of ‘world English’ at international conferences.


2.Professor Charles Lebeau suggests_____to solve the problem.

A drawing a picture

B using visual message

C using a chart

D supporting other aids

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。由第2段Mr. Lebeau说的话可知,the visual message is important,而visual message包括了图片,图表和其它的辅助手段。

3.Which of the following is a ‘linear’ style?

A First idea-details-final idea.

B An idea- arguments-another idea.

C Details-idea-argument-idea again.

D An idea- supporting - repeat of the idea.


4.According to Mr. Lebeau, which of the following is correct?

A Giving a general topic, then a specific title.

B Explaining your image how it is related to your research.

C Giving a title which explains the benefit of your subject.

D Using bridges as transitional words between images.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。由第1点可知,Mr. Lebeau教授认为,话题是大的概念,而发言的题目应具体而且体现你的主题的价值。

5.It is____to make sure you finish your representation within your share of time.

A important

B possible

C unnecessary

D disrespectful
