

US President Barack Obama and Cuban (古巴)President Raul Castro met in a small meeting room in Panama(巴拿马), where they sat side by side.

Mr. Obama said it was "obviously a historic meeting", adding that his country was ready to "turn the page" with Cuba on the past.

He said: "It was my belief it was time to try something new, that it was important for us to engage with Cuban government. And, more importantly, with Cuban people." He thanked Mr. Castro for his "spirit of openness" but warned that differences still remain.

Mr Castro said he was ready to discuss issues such as human rights and press freedom, saying: "Everything can be on the table." But he warned that the two countries may "agreed to disagree" at times, adding that both sides must be "very patient".

Four months ago Mr. Castro and Mr. Obama announced an ending of hostilities at the same time. It is expected that the US will soon agree to remove Cuba's name from its list of terrorism.

Fidel Castro came to power in 1959. For half a century, the leader of the first communist country was a thorn in America's side.


1.Where did Mr. Obama and Mr. Castro meet?

A In Washington.

B In Cuba.

C In Panama.

D In Mexico.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第1段…in a small meeting room in Panama(巴拿马),可知,故选C。

2.What does “engage with” mean in Chinese in paragraph 3?

A 交战.

B 建立关系.

C 适应.

D 咬合.

解析:选B。B 语义理解题。根据文章内容两人握手可知是美国与古巴建立关系而不是交战,C与D项显然不符合文章内容,故选B。

3.Which of the following is different from the other three according to the passage?

A Mr. Obama and Mr. Castro.

B The US and Cuba.

C The two countries.

D Both sides.

解析:选A。A 内容理解题。文章“两个国家”、“双方”指的即是美国与古巴,故BCD指的是同一个事物,而A项指具体的人,故选A。

4.Cuba was once ___to the USA.

A a friend

B a partner

C a country of terrorism

D a bomb

解析:选C。C 判断推理题。根据倒数第2段中It is expected that the US will soon agree to remove Cuba's name from its list of terrorism.可知,故选C。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A Historic moment between the US and Cuba.

B A new page of Cuba.

C Mr. Castro’s spirit of openness.

D Agreed to disagree.
