

Many people long to win the lottery and enjoy the much wealth. But for one woman, finding a job at the Pokemon Centre in Japan would be her dream to come true. Lisa Courtney, of Hertfordshire, has spent most of her life collecting Pokemon memorabilia of all shapes and sizes.

Indeed the 26-year-old has amassed so many during her 17-year hobby, and she now holds the Guinness World Record for the largest collection of Pokemon items, having 25,000 of them spreading around the home she shares with her mother, Sharon.

“I just love Pokemon so much— there’s just something about it that brings joy to me every day,” said Lisa. Her hobby started at the age of nine when she saw a picture of the cartoon, Pikachu in a Nintendo magazine. Her collection has grown so large that her mother had to move from the largest to the smallest room in their house to make room for her toys.

Lisa made the Guinness World Record for the largest collection of Pokemon memorabilia in 2009 when she had 12,113 items, but that hasn’t stopped her from collecting more. The devoted fan even travelled to Japan when the 11th Pokemon movie was released to get those that weren't available in Europe. “The first toy I ever got was one from Japan —my mother and grandmother ordered it from a mail order company before Pokemon hit the UK,” Lisa said.


1.Why did Lisa Courtney want to work in Japan?

A Because she wanted to win the lottery.

B Because she could make much wealth.

C Because she would continue her hobby.

D Because she could enjoy good scenery.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第1段has spent most of her life collecting Pokemon memorabilia of all shapes and sizes可知她在日本能继续收集宠物玩具,并且日本是该玩具的发源地。

2.The underlined word “amassed” in the second paragraph may mean _____.

A bought

B won

C collected

D held

解析:选C。C。根据第2段的Guinness World Record for the largest collection of Pokemon items可以得知她“收集了”世界上最多的口袋妖怪。

3.How did Lisa begin her hobby?

A From the Guinness World Record.

B From her parents.

C From the magazine.

D From the Internet.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。 根据第3段第2句的Her hobby started at the age of nine when she saw a picture of the cartoon, Pikachu in a Nintendo magazine可以得知是从杂志的宣传中她了解到了那种宠物玩具。

4.What did Lisa do after she made the Guinness World Record?

A She went on collecting.

B She chose to visit Japan.

C She sold all her house.

D She stopped the collecting.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据第4段第1句的but that hasn’t stopped her from collecting more可知她在获得吉尼斯世界纪录后还是继续自己的收藏。

5.What is Lisa’s mother’s attitude towards her hobby?

A She thought it was useless.

B She didn’t give her any money.

C She supported her in a way.

D She couldn’t find available picture.

解析:选C。C。根据第4段最后1句的my mother and grandmother ordered it from a mail order company before Pokemon hit the UK,” Lisa said可知丽萨的母亲和奶奶为她在网上订购了第一个玩具,因此母亲对女儿的爱好是支持的。