

If there’s one thing that hurts more than hurt from cycling around China for 460 days, it's having the bike you did it on stolen just days before completing your trip. That's what happened to cyclist Wang Ping'an as he neared the end of a two-wheel trek that covered thousands of miles through every major province in the vast country, according to local media.

Arriving in the southern city of Shenzhen, in southern Guangdong province, Wang locked up his mountain bike to check out electronics markets in the city's Huaqiangbei area. Within 10 minutes the thieves struck. "Huaqiangbei is famous and I was keen to visit there because I want to work in the electronics industry in the future," he told the Southern Metropolis News. "I have been to so many places. I didn't even lock my bike in some cities, but it wasn't lost. How come it's gone after I spent a little more than 10 minutes in Huaqiangbei?"

From Guangxi province, next to Guangdong, Wang reportedly began his 29,200-kilometer cycling mission after graduating from university last year. He's taken in some of the country's most faraway places, including Mohe in Heilongjiang, China's northernmost and coldest place, Urumqi in the west and Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in the southwest.

In fact, he's done it on an initial budget of just more than $100, making his money go further by staying with friends along the route. That charity ran out with only a few more days of cycling before he will end his long journey, the southern island of Hainan. Wang says he called the police, but hopes were not high of finding the thief among the 100,000 people who daily visit Huaqiangbei.


1. The underlined phrase “a two-wheel trek” may refer to ______.

A trip

B bike

C cyclist

D country

解析:选A。A。词意推测题。根据文章第1段第1句的it's having the bike you did it on stolen just days before completing your trip可知该短语的意思为trip。

2.Why did Wang Ping'an go to Huaqiangbei?

A Because he prepared for his future job.

B Because he wanted to find his lost bike.

C Because he planned to strike the thief.

D Because he would plan a very new trip.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据第2段第3句的"Huaqiangbei is famous and I was keen to visit there because I want to work in the electronics industry in the future可以得知他将来想从事电子行业,因此他去那个市场是为自己将来的工作做准备的。

3.How did Wang Pingan feel when talking with the Southern Metropolis News?

A Proud and happy.

B Ambitious and tired.

C Anxious and excited.

D Upset and confused.

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。根据第2段第4句的I have been to so many places. I didn't even lock my bike in some cities可知他感觉对此不理解,并且很是生气,因为自己的自行车丢了。

4.What is Wang ping'an ’s destination?

A Mohe.

B Urumqi.

C Shenzhen.

D Hainan.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据第4段倒数第2句的before he will end his long journey, the southern island of Hainan.可知他的目的地是海南。

5.Who provided Wang Pingan with money?

A His parents.

B The police.

C His friends.

D His parents.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第4段第1句的making his money go further by staying with friends along the route可知他是靠朋友给他的资助来完成他的旅途。