

Years ago, Murray discovered a shocking fact in a region in Nepal that poor farmers sold their daughters as slaves to support families at a price of $35 to $75. The families said they had no choice but to sell their daughters to feed the rest of their families.

Murray decided to save the girls. She knew that the price of pork was high there. And a fully-grown pig could sell at the same price as a young girl at the market. So in 1989, she began going door to door visiting poor farmers. She said she would give them free piglets if they keep their daughters at home. By raising the piglets to fully-grown pigs, the farmers were able to sell the animals rather than their daughters. In addition, she also paid for the girls’ education and gave two liters of coal oil each month to people living in areas without electricity.

In the first year, 32 out of the 37 families she visited agreed to Murray’s program. In the 19 years, Murray did what she had said every year to poor farmers and the practice of selling girls as slaves has almost completely disappeared. More than 3,000 girls were able to stay at home with their families.

Thanks to their education, many of these girls are doing very well. They fought against this practice and have tried their best to keep their younger sisters free. ”They promise that their little sisters will never go through what they nearly had to,” said Murray.


1.Poor farmers would sell their daughters as slaves in order to _____.

A buy piglets

B pay for coal oil

C support their family

D earn money for their farm

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第1段第1句…poor farmers sold their daughters as slaves to support families…可知,故选C。

2.How much was a fully-grown pig in the region in Nepal?

A 35

B 36

C 75

D $35- $75.

解析:选D。D 判断推理题。根据第1段第1句每个女孩的价格为35到75美元不等及第2段第3句And a fully-grown pig could sell at the same price as a young girl at the market.可知,故选D。

3.Which do you think is the most important in the region in Nepal?

A Pork.

B Coal oil.

C Electricity.

D Education.

解析:选D。D 态度观点题。通读全文及最后1段受过教育的女孩反对卖女孩及阻止家人将自己的妹妹也卖为奴隶可知,教育在这里面起了重大的启智作用,故选D。

4.What’s the main aim of Murray’s program?

A To improve poor farmers’ living conditions.

B To stop farmers selling their daughters.

C To help the farmers develop their farming.

D To provide education to more girls.

解析:选B。B 内容理解题。根据课文内容可知该地区女孩买卖严重,所以Murray的目的是为了阻止将女孩卖了奴隶,故选B。

5.From the passage we know that ______.

A Murray was very interested in Nepal

B Murray sold piglets to farmers at low prices

C Farmers in Nepal earned their living by farming

D Murray developed a girls’ saving plan for poor farmers

解析:选D。D 内容理解题。A项“Murray对尼泊尔感兴趣”没突出主旨,不选;B项“Murray以低价将小猪卖给农民”表述错误(她是免费提供),不选;C项“尼泊尔农民以农耕为生”与文章内容没多大关系,不选;D项“Murray为该地区农民实施一项拯救女孩的计划”契合文章内容,故选D。