

China evacuated 225 people from 10 different countries from war-ruined Yemen, Beijing said Friday, a first-ever move highlighting the country’s growing global influence.

The Chinese missile frigate Linyi brought them to Djibouti after two weeks of fighting between rebel forces and a Saudi-led coalition that has seen hundreds killed.

The evacuees included 176 people from Pakistan, said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying, with the remainder from Ethiopia, Singapore, Italy, Germany, Poland, Ireland, Britain, Canada and Yemen. She said it was “a humanitarian relief action” taken at the request of “relevant countries”.

“It is also the first time the Chinese government has taken special action to help with the evacuation of foreign citizens in dangerous areas,” she told reporters at a regular briefing. “It fully demonstrates the spirit of internationalism and humanitarianism of the Chinese side.” Several days earlier, China rescued six foreign nationals from Yemen along with hundreds of its citizens who were being brought out. The People’s Liberation Army Navy had previously evacuated more than 500 Chinese from the country.

A state television report on Friday showed evacuees, who were mostly Pakistani, arriving in Djibouti. “We are really thankful to the Chinese government, who really helped us, and took us out (with) the school children,” one woman told China Central Television. 

A spokeswoman for Germany’s foreign ministry confirmed that China had evacuated three Germans to Djibouti, adding that Berlin was “very thankful to the Chinese government for its support”.

China has become more involved in humanitarian relief as its global influence has grown. It has taken a role in the fight against Ebola, sending hundreds of medical workers to West Africa, where it also built a treatment centre. It also sent a hospital ship -- the 300-bed Peace Ark -- to typhoon-stricken Philippines in November 2013. In 2011, more than 35,000 Chinese were evacuated from Libya during the unrest that overthrew dictator Moamer Kadhafi. Last year Beijing moved more than 730 citizens out of the same country in light of the worsening security situation.


1.What situation has caused China to evacuate its citizens from Yemen?

A The government was overthrown by rebel forces.

B Saudi-led coalition fought against the rebels.

C The country was stricken by typhoon.

D The deadly disease Ebola broke out in the country.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第2段…fighting between rebel forces and a Saudi-led coalition that has seen hundreds killed可知,反对派与沙特领导的联盟军队之间爆发冲突,恶化了也门境内的局势,中国是在这种情况下决定撤侨的。

2.Which country’s evacuees were included?

A Pakistan, Italy, Britain, Germany.

B Singapore, Poland, Canada, the United States.

C Pakistan, Yemen, South Korea, Singapore.

D Germany, Britain, Canada, Russia.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第3段介绍的外国侨民来自哪些国家,对比分析后可知,A项正确。

3.What do we know from the news briefing?

A The situation in Yemen was very dangerous.

B The rescued foreign citizens had relations with China previously.

C China’s action showed the spirit of internationalism and humanitarianism.

D The Chinese Navy made great effort in the relief action.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第4段It fully demonstrates the spirit of internationalism and humanitarianism of the Chinese side可知,中国撤侨行动彰显了国际主义和人道主义精神。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A China’s relief action was worthy of praise.

B Most of the evacuees were from Pakistan.

C The rescued foreign nationals were grateful.

D Germany offered support to China’s relief action.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章5、6段介绍的外国侨民对于中国海军帮助的感谢,由此判断,中国撤销行动是值得赞誉的。

5.Why does the author mention China’s experiences in relief actions in foreign countries in recent years?

A To prove that China is experienced in evacuating its people.

B To tell us that the world is interrupted by conflicts and disasters.

C To praise China’s spirit of internationalism and humanitarianism.

D To give evidence that China’s global influence is growing.

解析:选D。D 文章写作判断题。因为文章最后1段介绍了近年来中国参与撤侨及国际救援的情况,根据主题句China has become more involved in humanitarian relief as its global influence has grown可以判断,作者陈述这些事例的目的是为了证实中国国际影响力的增强,是对主题句的证明,也呼应了文章开头的highlighting the country’s growing global influence.