

A former girlfriend of the killer co-pilot Andreas Lubitz said he had long planned a spectacular and unforgettable event and told how she was scared by his odd behavior.

The unnamed ex-girlfriend claimed he had plotted for a long time to commit an act so terrible that his name would never be forgotten. When she heard about the crash she remembered that Lubitz had told her last year: “One day I will do something that will change the whole system, and then all will know my name and remember it. I never knew what he meant but now it makes sense,” she told the German newspaper Bild(《图片报》).

She described Lubitz as a tormented character and said that she had left him because of his personal problems and odd behavior, which frightened her. “At night he woke up and screamed ‘We’re going down’, because he had nightmares. He knew how to hide from other people what was really going on inside,” she said.

The co-pilot who flew a Germanwings plane into the Alps killing everyone on board had broken up with his fiancée just one day earlier, it is being reported. Andreas Lubitz and his unnamed girlfriend had been together seven years and were due to marry sometime in 2016, according to French media. But the day before the tragedy that cost the lives of Lubitz and 149 other people, the relationship was ended, the French TV channel ITélé claims. Although it had already been reported that they had broken up, the short time period between that happening and the crash could shed new light on the horrific incident.

Lubitz was also a "connoisseur" of the Alpine region where the fatal accident took place, the channel reports, as he used to come to the area for gliding between 1996 and 2003. Searches of the two homes of Lubitz, who deliberately crashed Germanwings Airbus A320 into the French Alps, had not yielded any claim of responsibility or any sort of suicide note, the prosecutors said.


1.What does Lubitz’s ex-girlfriend mean by saying “now it makes sense”?

A Lubitz’s odd behavior sometimes scared his ex-girlfriend.

B Lubitz was a man of great ambition with odd character.

C Lubitz committed a terrible act shocking the whole world.

D Lubitz wanted to do something to change the whole system.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第2段“One day I will do something that will change the whole system, and then all will know my name and remember it.”可知卢比茨给前女友说的这番话意味着他将来要干出惊天大事,这里的it makes sense 指的就是卢比茨制造空难一事。

2.What made the woman leave Lubitz?

A She was scared by his personal problem and odd behavior.

B She came to know he was a dangerous man to live with.

C She noticed he had long plotted to make an air tragedy.

D She felt scared to know what was really going on in his heart.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第3段she had left him because of his personal problems and odd behavior可知,卢比茨前女友离他而去的原因是受不了他怪异的性格。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A The woman wouldn’t be happy if she were to marry Lubitz.

B Lubitz had an odd character and would make trouble sooner or later.

C Lubit felt depressed after being left by his girlfriend.

D Lubitz’s behavior might have been affected by the broken-up relationship.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章第4段the short time period between that happening and the crash could shed new light on the horrific incident可以判断,卢比茨与女友分手一事有可能对他制造空难产生了影响。

4.What do we know from the last paragraph?

A Lubitz showed great interest in gliding in the Alps mountains.

B No signs have been found about Lubitz’s responsibility for the tragedy.

C Lubitz crashed the plane into the Alps as he was familiar with the region.

D Lubitz had been to the Alps often to find the right place for the tragedy.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章最后1段Searches … had not yielded any claim of responsibility or any sort of suicide note可以判断,尽管对卢比茨的两处住宅进行了搜查,但并未发现其制造空难的证据。

5.What is mainly discussed in the passage?

A Co-pilot Lubitz was believed to have long plotted for the air tragedy.

B Ex-girlfriend broke up with Lubitz for his odd behavior.

C Lubitz intended to do something to let history remember him.

D Lubitz often went to the Alps for gliding and knew the region well.

解析:选A。A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了德国汉莎航空公司发生空难的客机副机长卢比茨的情况。他一直以来就想制造惊天大事件,让历史记住他。检查官们因此认为卢比茨是故意制造这起空难的罪魁祸首。