
Former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew died early Monday. He was 91 years old.

Mr. Lee was Singapore’s leader from 1959 until 1990. In recent years, he remained a highly influential person in the city-state, off the coast of Malaysia.

The president of the United States offered his sympathy to the Lee family. President Barack Obama described Lee Kuan Yew as a "visionary" who built "one of the most prosperous countries in the world today."

Chinese President Xi Jinping praised Mr. Lee as “an old friend of the Chinese people” who “was respected by the international community as a strategist(军事家) and a statesman.”

“Harry” Lee Kuan Yew was a fourth generation Singaporean. His ancestors moved there from China’s Guangdong Province in the 1860s.

Mr. Lee was a survivor of the Japanese occupation of Singapore during World War II. Afterthe war, he studied economics in London, and received a law degree from Cambridge University.

His political life began in 1954 with the formation of the People’s Action Party, also known as PAP. The group represented association of middle class parties and trade unionists. The PAP won elections in 1959, with Mr. Lee becoming Singapore’s first Prime Minister. He held the position until 1990, when he became a senior minister.

At the age of 42, Lee Kuan Yew became the leader of the city-state. He began working in support of Singapore’s most valuable resource – its people. Foreign investment followed. With economic growth of near 10 percent for many years, Singapore helped define (定义)economic development for “Asian Tigers” such as Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea.

Singapore became a center for transportation, oil refining and finance. It developed a world famous national airline. It also was the world’s busiest seaport until recently when Shanghai was recognized as the busiest.


1.1.Lee Kuan Yew had been Prime Minister for___years in Singapore.

A 91

B 36

C 31

D 49

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。李光耀从1959年任prime minister 到1990。

2.What was Mr.Lee’s extraordinary achievement in his life?

A He continued to be a highly influential person in Singapore.

B He built one of the most prosperous countries in the world today.

C He was respected as a strategist and a statesman in the world.

D He successfully lived to the age of 91.


3.3.Lee Kuan Yew’s family originally come from ___.

A Malaysia

B Singapore

C Japan

D China

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。由His ancestors moved there from China’s Guangdong Province in the 1860s. 可知答案。

4.Which of the following is the correct order in Mr. Lee’s life?

A Studying economics-survivor of war -forming the PAP- senior minister.

B Survivor of war- studying economics-senior minister- forming the PAP.

C Survivor of war- studying economics-forming the PAP- senior minister.

D Survivor of war- forming the PAP-studying economics- senior minister.


5.What did Mr.Lee value most in his leadership?

A People.

B Foreign investment.

C Economic growth.

D Trade unionists.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。文章倒数第2段He began working in support of Singapore’s most valuable resource – its people. 其它三个选项是建立在重视人民的基础上的。