

A United Nations representative wants international support for programs aimed at helping 28 million boys and girls return to school. The children are unable to continue their education because of wars and crises around the world.

Gordon Brown at UN announcement of Safe Schools Initiative

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is the UN's Special Envoy for Global Education. Mr. Brown says schools were once safe places for children. Now, they are increasingly becoming instruments(工具) of war. In the past five years, there were more than 10,000 attacks on schools.

Mr. Brown told the United Nations recently that the international community should spend money to make schools safer. He proposed creation of an international humanitarian(慈善的) fund for education in emergencies. "It is our moral duty to make sure that every single child in the world can enjoy the basic right to education - free of terror, free of fear, and with the support of the international community."

Mr. Brown is thinking about new uses of technology to improve school safety. A pilot program has been launched in Pakistan. Three months ago, the Pakistani Taliban killed 140 children at a school in the city of Peshawar.

A funeral prayer for a student killed in the Taliban attack on a school in Peshawar, Pakistan, Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014

Pakistani officials are now working with Predictify.Me, a technology company based in the United States. Under the "Pakistan Safe Schools" program, schools will use new computer software to test their safety plans. The results of the testing will help school officials prepare better for emergencies. The technology will make it possible to learn what schools and governments are doing to prevent attacks on schools.

Mr. Brown said it is time for the international community to wake up and deal with theproblems facing children. He said the world should protect their rights and stop turning its back on these young victims of war.


1.What’s needed for the 28 million children out of school?

A Programs of the UN.

B Support from all over the world.

C Help from the schools

D Advice of the UN representative.

解析:选B。B。 细节理解题。根据第1段...wants international support...可知答案,故选B。

2.What does Gordon Brown do at present?

A He’s British Prime Minister.

B He’s a Pakistani leader.

C He’s a UN's Special Envoy.

D He’s a pilot in Pakistan.

解析:选C。C。 细节理解题。根据第2段...Gordon Brown is the UN's Special Envoy..., 可知答案,故选C。

3.The new computer software will be used in Pakistani schools to _______.

A make sure of their safety

B to offer kids better education

C to test students’ studies

D To prepare basic technologies

解析:选A。A。 细节理解题。根据第5段...schools will use new computer software to test their safety plans,可知答案,故选A。

4.What may make a child’s life harder?

A World humanitarian fund.

B Tests in the school.

C New school programs.

D Terror and fear.

解析:选D。D。 推理判断题。由第3段...free of terror, free of fear...可知我们有义务让世界上每一个孩子都免遭恐怖袭击,远离恐惧,而让他们生活艰难的就是恐怖袭击和恐惧感,故选D。

5.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A Mr. Brown is dealing with the problems facing children.

B Some communities are cold to the young victims of war.

C It’s time for the children to wake up to go back to school.

D Young children should protect their rights to go to school.

解析:选B。B。 推理判断题 。由段意可知,布朗先生在呼吁国际团体该觉醒了,去帮助那些失学儿童,而不是背过身去,置之不理,由此可推断一些团体对那些受害的儿童表现是冷漠的,故选B。