

PATNA, India, March 20 (Reuters) —Images of Indian students openly cheating on school-leaving examinations under the noses of supervisors have been spread dramatically, inviting ridicule on Twitter and exposing problems in the much-criticized education system of a poverty-stricken eastern state.

On Thursday, the Hindustan Times published a photo of dozens of men climbing up the wall of a four-storey test centre in Bihar state, rested on window as they folded answer sheets into paper planes flown into classrooms.

"Should we shoot them?" asked Prashant Kumar Shahi, Bihar's education minister, addressing a news conference about the cheating scandal. "On average, four or five persons are helping each student use unfair means," Shahi said, adding it was impossible to forbid cheating if parents encouraged their children. The exams are viewed as make-or-break tests that could transform the lives of millions growing up in poverty. Copying is rampant during state-run standardized tests and supervisors look the other way when pupils consult peers via WhatsApp messages on phones or jot down answers from notes stolen into classrooms.

Cheating has been on the rise since the state government offered cash rewards of 10,000 rupees ($160) to lower-class students who were able to answer about half the questions on their tests. This year, more than 1,000 students were caught cheating in three days and have been expelled. 

Attempts to chase away family members hanging around outside test centers on Thursday backfired, with people throwing stones at the police who had to retreat. Many parents blame the government and indifferent teachers for Bihar's failure to prevent cheating.

The state government has been accused of hiring more than 400,000 teachers on contract without checking their proficiency. In the last two years, more than 12,500 teachers failed qualification tests, unable to solve questions designed for fifth-graders. "Why blame only the students? Are schools carrying out proper teaching? They lack quality teachers," said Sanjeev Kumar Singh, whose son is taking the tests this year.


1.What was made fun of on Twitter?

A The poverty-stricken state is in the east of India.

B Indian students openly cheated on graduation exams.

C There were many problems in Indian education system.

D Supervisors of the graduation exams are criticized.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第1段Images of Indian students openly cheating on school-leaving examinations… have been spread dramatically, inviting ridicule on Twitter可知,Twitter网上疯传印度学生考试公然作弊的图片,网友们纷纷吐槽。

2.What was Prashant Kumar Shahi’s point on the cheating scandal?

A The parents should be shot down.

B The parents can encourage their children to cheat.

C It is impossible to forbid cheating.

D It is unfair to those who don’t cheat.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第3段…adding it was impossible to forbid cheating if parents encouraged their children可知,由于家长对于学生的作弊是纵容的,因此要禁止作弊是不可能的。这是一个教育主管人的态度,难怪比哈尔邦的毕业考试作弊成风。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A The graduation exams are important to the lives of students from low class.

B The results of the exams can bring wealth to poverty-stricken families.

C Cheating can’t be prevented with many parents fighting against the police.

D Teachers should be criticized for encouraging the students to cheat in exams.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第3段The exams are viewed as make-or-break tests that could transform the lives of millions growing up in poverty可知,毕业考试被认为是生死攸关的,由此判断,这次大考对出身贫穷的学生来说意义非凡,能帮助他们实现华丽转身。

4.What was the problem in concern in Bihar state?

A As many as 400,000 teachers were hired in schools.

B The government offered cash to reward poor students.

C The schools lacked qualified teachers.

D The teachers failed to stop cheating in exams.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。文章最后1段援引Sanjeev Kumar Singh的话说明了比哈尔邦教学系统存在的问题:学校里缺乏合格的老师。

5.What is the author’s attitude toward Bihar’s efforts in controlling cheating?

A Suspicious.

B Encouraged.

C Enthusiastic.

D Negative.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章中的openly, rampant, indifferent, fail, lack等词汇可以判断,作者对于比哈尔地方政府在禁止考试作弊方面的工作是持否定态度的。