
Last week, musicians from around the world gathered in Texas for the South by Southwest film and music festival. Perhaps the most unusual performers at the event were a group of teenagers from Paraguay (巴拉圭). Their musical instruments were made of trash – objects that had been thrown away. The body of a cello (大提琴), for example, is made from an old oil can. The neck of the cello is a piece of old wood. In fact, every instrument these young musicians use comes from recycled trash.

The performers come from a poor neighborhood in Cateura, Paraguay. The neighborhood is near a garbage dump, or landfill.

Sixteen-year-old Ada Rios has been playing violin for four years. "When I entered the music school, the instrument that I liked the most was the violin and I have never been sorry for choosing it."

Music teacher Favio Chavez thought of the idea for the group several years ago. With help from the community and money from outsiders, he started the Recycled Instrument Orchestra (管玄乐队)of Cateura.

The orchestra plays many kinds of music. But Mr. Chavez says classical music is the most important because it requires musicians to work hard and follow rules.

Alejandra Amarilla is a Paraguayan who lives in the United States. She made a documentary film about the orchestra. The film, called "Landfill Harmonic," played at the South by Southwest festival.

"Unfortunately, these children live in a community near the landfill. That is their reality. But through music they are passing their own environment. They are traveling, they are getting education."

Alejandra Amarilla says the film and the young musicians show the power of human determination to get past difficulties. "Out of a need, they created something beautiful."

The "Landfill Orchestra" won an audience response award at the South by Southwest festival.


1. What’s special about the musical group from Paraguay?

A The group members are all in their teens.

B They play their instruments quite well.

C Their instruments come from trash.

D Their instruments are made of wood.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第1段...the most unusual performers... Their musical instruments were made of trash ...可知答案,故选C。

2.When did Ada Rios begin to play the violin?

A At the age of 16.

B At the age of 12.

C At the age of 4.

D At the age of 8.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第3段Sixteen-year-old Ada Rios has been playing violin for four years,可知答案,故选B。

3.Who founded the Recycled Instrument Orchestra?

A Alejandra Amarilla.

B Ada Rios.

C The outsiders.

D Favio Chavez.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第4段Music teacher Favio Chavez thought of the idea ... he started the Recycled Instrument Orchestra可知答案 ,故选D。

4.The young musicians have changed their life because of _______.

A film

B environment

C music

D instruments

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第7段...through music they are passing their own environment. They are traveling, they are getting education,可知答案,故选C。

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A Ada Rios helped the Landfill Orchestra win more audience.

B The Landfill Orchestra won the biggest award at the festival.

C Alejandra made a lot of money because of the documentary.

D These young musicians feel unfortunate to live near the landfill.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题 。根据段意可知,Alejandra Amarilla拍摄了关于该乐队的纪录片,并在此次电影音乐节上放映,让更多的人了解了他们,也为他们的成功赢得了人心,故选A。