
Many places have experienced severe flooding after heavy rains this year. Last Thursday, football lovers traveled through flooded streets in Recife, Brazil to watch the World Cup match between Germany and the United States. Many were unsure if the game would be played at all because of the weather.

Last week, the WMO predicted the weather event which was known as El Nino. El Nino can affect weather conditions worldwide. One sign of it is unusually warm ocean surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific. The WMO says El Nino is forming again this year. It will be fully formed in a few months. It is expected to be strongest toward the end of this year and in early 2015. This winter, meaning December 2013 to February 2014, was the wettest winter ever recorded in more than a quarter of a millennium.”

Temperatures around the world are going up. The heat warms the ocean surface above its normal levels. For example, the big heat wave hit Russia in 2010. Scientists prove that industrial pollution causes climate change and affects our weather. But it is difficult to make people take steps to cut pollution. We need to get rid of this coal, gas and oil as soon as possible and change to renewable energy.


1.The underlined word “unsure” means ________ in the passage.

A 不确定的

B 不自然的

C 不顺畅的

D 不畏的

解析:选A。猜测词义题。根据构词法un为否定前缀,sure词义为确信的,有把握的,可以推测出unsure 为不确定的;没有把握的,故选A。

2.According to the passage, we know El Nino ________.

A can make the ocean surface temperature very low

B can affect weather conditions all over the world

C is a place in Germany

D is a name of a heavy rain

解析:选B。细节理解题。依据文中第二段的“Nino can affect weather conditions worldwide.”可知。“El Nino”可以影响到全球的天气条件。故选B。

3.From the passage we know that temperatures around the world _______.

A is becoming lower and lower

B keeps very all right

C is becoming higher and higher

D is not changing

解析:选C。细节理解题。依据文中第三段的第一句“Temperatures around the world are going up.”可知世界气温一直在升高。

4.Scientists prove that _______ affects our weather.

A the coal pollution

B the gas pollution

C the oil pollution

D the industrial pollution

解析:选D。细节理解题。依据文中“Scientists prove that industrial pollution causes climate change and affects our weather.”可知工业污染影响我们的天气,故选D。

5.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A The World Cup match has to put off because of the heavy rain.

B El Nino is forming again this year.

C A big heat wave hit Russia in 2010.

D It is hard to make people take steps to cut pollution.

解析:选A。综合性判断题。依据文中“Last Thursday, football lovers traveled through flooded streets in Recife, Brazil to watch the World Cup match between Germany and the United States.”可以判断球迷们冒雨前去,说明世界杯如期举行,故判断A与原文不符;B、C、D均与原文相符,故选A。