

Environmentalists are breeding lions in the Southern African nation of Zimbabwe(津巴布韦). The wildlife experts hope to increase the lion population to keep the great cats from disappearing.

In some areas, lions and human beings are competing for control of land. Researchers believe something must be done quickly to save the animals.

Today we take you to the Antelope Park Farm in Gweru, Zimbabwe. The main business here is lion breeding.

The African Lion and Environmental Research Trust has more than 100 lions in its breeding program. The trust is known by the name ALERT.

Gary Jones heads the Antelope Park Farm. He says ALERT has become involved because of a sharp drop in the number of lions. His group believes this has been caused mostly by humans. There are more people moving to this area every year. The lions have less land on which to live.

The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization says wild animals are threatened when farmers try to protect their plants or animals. Rene Czudek works for the UN agency. Mr. Czudek is the FAO official responsible for wildlife and forestry in southern Africa. He says his organization has come up with a human-wildlife tool kit (工具箱) that some countries are using to reduce conflict between humans and wildlife.

" We are trying to explain to the people what is the behavior of lions. So it is a kind of building capacity of people to evaluate the situation, land use planning, not to put their fields just on pathway of elephants or other animals. In fact, the human-wildlife tool kit is a kind of instrument that workers can use with the communities -- explain to them the behavior of wildlife, then show them what are the risky behaviors, how they should plan for their fields."

By providing information, the FAO hopes the conflict between humans and wildlife can be reduced, and that the threatened species can grow again.


1.If we don’t do anything the lion might__________.

A compete with us

B disappear from the earth

C increase its population

D save itself

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第1段第2句The wildlife experts hope to increase the lion population to keep the great cats from disappearing,其中Keep…from…的意思是阻止…发生。专家们所做的事是为了阻止狮子的消失。

2.The main reason for the decline of lion population is that__________.

A environmentalists are breeding lions in the Southern African nation of Zimbabwe

B the wildlife experts are trying to increase the lion population

C the sharp drop of the number of lions has been caused mostly by humans

D humans are taking control of more land on which the lion used to live

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。根据第2段lions and human beings are competing for control of land,动物与人是土地之争,人占的地多了,野生动物就自然减少了。

3.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 6 imply?

A Wild animals sometimes eat farmers’ crops and animals.

B Wild animals threaten to destroy farmers’ crops and animals.

C Farmers threaten the wild animals in order to protect their crops and animals.

D Farmers protect their crops and animals in order to threaten the wild animals.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。Be threatened的意思是‘受到威胁’。全句的意思是‘当农民们为保护自己的庄稼和家禽时,野生动物就受到威胁’由此可推知C答案是正确的。

4.Which organization put forward the human-wildlife tool kit measure?


B The Antelope Park Farm


D Rene Czudek

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。Mr. Czudek是The FAO组织的负责非洲事务的官员。

5.If knowing the________of the wild animals, people can reduce the conflict between humans and wildlife by proper land planning.

A situations

B pathways

C behaviors

D communities
