

A Kenyan government source has told The Telegraph that most of the 147 victims of a terror attack on a Kenyan university on Thursday were killed as they lined up waiting for their turn to be shot.

“This is the level of evil that we are dealing with, it is something beyond the comprehension of anyone normal like you or I,” the source said. “These are not people who can be reasoned with, only force can stop them.”

So far, 147 people have been confirmed dead and 79 injured in Kenya’s worst terror attack for two decades, but officials have admitted that the death toll could climb higher still as piles of bodies are recounted.

At the gates of Garissa University, soldiers kept large crowds of sobbing relatives at bay as inside; the bodies of those killed were recounted. “I am so worried, I had a son who was among the students trapped inside the college, and since yesterday I have heard nothing,” said Habel Mutinda, an elderly man, his face streaming with tears.

One witness described how they headed directly to a lecture hall where Christian students had gathered for an early morning prayer session.

Kenya’s government, which has faced criticism for its failure to act on intelligence to fight against threats, said it would not be “intimidated or humiliated” by what happened. “The government is determined to fight back the terrorists, and I am confident we shall win this war against our enemies,” said Joseph Nkaissery, the Interior Minister.

Some of those who escaped Thursday’s massacre said posters had been put up around campus and the university’s administrators warned about an up-coming attack but they were “ignored” or dismissed as an April Fool’s joke. “Yesterday there were those notices, but as it was April 1, we just thought that it was fooling,” a student named Katherine said.

Students from a nearby teacher training college said they too had been warned that “strangers” suspected to be terrorists had been spotted in Garissa in the days leading up to the attack. As a result, their college was closed and they were sent home.


1.What do we know from the Kenyan government resource?

A The terrorists killed the students on Thursday.

B The evil of the terrorist attack was beyond bearing.

C People expect the government to use force to stop the terrorists.

D It was not understandable why the students should be attacked.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第2段This is the level of evil …it is something beyond the comprehension of anyone normal like you or I可以判断,这起罪恶的恐怖袭击事件令人发指,是常人难以忍受的。

2.Why was Habel Mutinda worried?

A He didn’t know if his son was alive or dead.

B The relatives of the victims were crying at the gate.

C There were so many young students killed.

D His son was among the students trapped in the college.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第4段since yesterday I have heard nothing可知,他的儿子杳无音信,生死未卜,这是老人真正担忧的原因。

3.What caused the criticism on Kenya’s government?

A The government was intimidated and humiliated by the terrorist attack.

B The government failed to take effective measures to protect the students.

C The government had confidence to win the war against the terrorist attack.

D The government ignored the warning of terrorist attack and had it taking place.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第6段…faced criticism for its failure to act on intelligence to fight against threats可知,肯尼亚政府未能对恐怖袭击采取有效措施,对学生起到保护作用,这是政府受到批评的原因。

4.What does the underlined word most probably mean in Paragraph Seven?

A End up the employment of.

B Give no attention to.

C Bring an end to.

D Take into consideration.

解析:选B。B 猜测词义题。根据语境中的“ignored”与thought that it was fooling可以判断,大家把这个警告当作了“愚人节”的笑话,因此没有在意,由此判断,dismiss在文章中意为“没有理会”。

5.Why does the author include what the teacher training college had done in the passage?

A To say that the terrorists were bold enough to hang out around.

B To prove that the warning of terrorist attack was no joke at all.

C To tell us that the government knew nothing about the attack.

D To tell us that there was a security gap in the Garissa University.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。作者在最后一段介绍了附近一所师范学院认真对待恐怖袭击警告,及时采取防范措施,遣散学生;而与之相反的是,加里萨大学无动于衷,麻痹大意,成了恐怖分子的枪靶子,作者这样写的目的是为了证明加里萨大学在安全管理上的漏洞。