

Development banking in Asia has been in the news lately. Last year, China proposed creation of a development bank called the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Chinese officials say the institution would help finance infrastructure projects throughout Asia.

The area has a need for better roads and other infrastructure, including ports and power supplies. The Asian Development Bank, another organization, was set up to reduce poverty in Asia and the Pacific. It estimated last May that the Asia-Pacific area needs about $800 billion a year in infrastructure development.

China reports that more than 20 countries have agreed to be founding members of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, or AIIB. Recently, some European powers added themselves to the list. U.S. allies Britain, Germany, France and Italy have joined up. So has South Korea. And Australia has agreed to move forward with negotiations. Some observers say the United States should join the bank as a founding member. Asia expert Alejandro Reyes said the way the U.S. has dealt with the bank shows outdated thinking.

Robert Kahn is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He said, “In a world with the better politics, the United States would be joining this institution, but because of the environment on the Hill (in Washington), the United States is not only not in position where it could join this institution and get it approved by Congress, it cannot get even basic reform in the IMF through in a way that would make the existing institutions more attractive to the rising powers.”

The U.S. Congress has failed to approve reforms of voting rights for the International Monetary Fund. The delay has led China and other countries to consider setting up their own institutions as a way to gain more influence in world economic governance. U.S. officials say they welcome new multi-lateral institutions that would observe high standards that the international community has built. China says it will carry on with high standards. But most details will not become clear until the new bank is in operation.

The bank is expected to start with $100 billion in capital, mostly from China.


1.What is included in the infrastructure projects?

A Reducing poverty.

B Construction of roads.

C Building factories.

D Producing cars.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第2段The area has a need for better roads and other infrastructure, including ports and power supplies可知,基础设施包括道路,港口,供水供电设施,交通,学校,医院等能满足社会民生基本生活需求的基本设施,故选B项。

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A AIIB has gained great popularity across the world.

B The way the United States deals with AIIB is wrong.

C The United States has broken up with its allies.

D The Western countries plan to help the development of Asia.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第3段…more than 20 countries have agreed to be founding members… Recently, some European powers added themselves to the list可知,世界各国纷纷加入亚投行成为创始国,由此判断,亚投行在全世界范围内广受欢迎和支持。

3.What has prevented the United States from joining AIIB?

A The Congress didn’t give its approval.

B The political situation of the world was severe.

C The environment of IMF reform is not good.

D The rising powers show lost interest in IMF.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第4段…the United States is not only not in position where it could join this institution and get it approved by Congress可知,当前,美国处境不佳,国会没有批准其加入亚投行。

4.Why did China and other countries set up their own institutions?

A The U.S. ruled the world’s economy by itself.

B The U.S. Congress didn’t make reform of IMF.

C They were not given voting rights for the IMF.

D They wanted to lead the world’s economy.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第5段The U.S. Congress has failed to approve reforms of voting rights for…The delay has led China and other countries to consider setting up their own institutions…可知,美国国会未能就国际货币基金组织中的投票权进行改革,使得中国和其他国家只能通过建立自己的组织达到影响世界经济的目的。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A China Proposed the Creation of AIIB for Asian Development.

B Fighting to Gain Influence in World Economic Governance.

C American Allies Have Joined the AIIB to Be Founding Members.

D Many Countries Agreed to Be Founding Members of AIIB.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。通读全文,本文主要介绍了中国主导的亚投行被世界各国认可并积极加入的情况,并分析了美国没有加入的原因。故选D。