

The World Health Organization says people around the world are eating more sugar. As a result, it says, health problems related to weight gain and tooth damage are increasing. Sugary foods and drinks cause tooth decay(衰退,腐烂), weakening the bone.

The WHO finds that, on average, the amount of sugar in the foods we eat has risen about 10 percent over the past 10 years. But it has risen at a faster rate in some areas. In the Middle East and North Africa, sugar intake has risen about 15 percent over the past 10 years. In some Asian and Pacific countries, sugar intake is 20 percent higher.

And in South America, people eat more sugar than anywhere else in the world. Francesco Branca is director of the WHO's Department of Nutrition for Health. "In South America, we have about 130 grams per person, per day, so much more than twice the WHO recommendation(推荐), but we also have some parts of the world where the intake is still low. It is within the WHO recommendations, such as what is happening in Equatorial and Southern Africa, where it is about 30 grams per person, per day."

Mr. Branca says reducing how much sugar you eat can be difficult because so many cooks and food-makers add sugar. He says researchers found that 80 percent of the food items in U.S. markets included some kind of sugar.   

The WHO is calling on governments to take measures to reduce how much sugar people eat. It proposes taxing products with a lot of sugar and requiring food-makers to list how much sugar can be found in their products. Another suggestion is to limit marketing of sugary foods and drinks to children.

However, the United Nations agency says it is fine to eat foods that naturally have sugar, such as fresh fruits, vegetables and even milk.


1.Problems related to weight and tooth have much to do with________.

A foods

B drinks

C bones

D sugar

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。第一小节告诉大家,现在人们摄入的糖越来越多,由此造成的体重和牙齿问题越来越多。

2.According to WHO’ s recommendation, we’d better have sugar less than_______per day.

A 65 grams

B 30 grams

C 78 grams

D 36 grams

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。文中提到,南美人均摄入量为130克,比世界卫生组织所推荐的多了一半多。

3.Which of the following has the least sugar in the world mentioned here?

A South America

B North Africa

C Southern Africa

D some Pacific countries

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。选项所提到的地方中,南非每人每天只摄入糖30克。其它地方虽没直接说是多少,可以判断是超过世界卫生组织期待量的。

4.Why is it difficult for us to reduce sugar we eat?

A Because governments are going to tax the products with a lot sugar.

B Because governments are taking measures to reduce how much sugar people eat.

C Because food-producers are required to list how much sugar their products contain.

D Because food-producers tend to add sugar to the food we eat.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。A,B,C是本文所提到的一些措施而不是原因。

5.It is implied in the last paragraph that_________.

A sugar from fresh fruits and vegetables appeals to children

B sugar from fresh fruits and vegetables does not cause problems

C sugar from fresh fruits and vegetables will also cause us problems

D sugar from fresh fruits and vegetables will weaken our bones

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。it is fine to eat foods that naturally have sugar。摄入本身含糖的食品是很好的。