

Apple CEO Tim Cook says he will give away his entire $785m (£526m) fortune before he dies. He told Fortune magazine that he would help his 10-year-old nephew's education then give away his fortune.

Two of the causes that are close to his heart are HIV/Aids prevention and treatment, and climate change. He told the magazine that he has already started to donate money quietly.

His net worth is about $120m (£80.5m), and he holds stock in Apple worth $665m (£446m).

The 54-year-old will follow in the footsteps of other wealthy people - including Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg who have all pledged to give away at least half of their net worth in their lifetimes.

In the wide-ranging interview, he described his recent decision to announce he was gay.

He also warned investors that Apple planned for long-term success rather than short-term gains. "The kind of investors we seek are long term because that’s how we make our decisions. If you're a short-term investor, obviously you've got the right to buy the stock and trade it the way you want. It's your decision. But I want everybody to know that's not how we run the company."


1.How much is Tim Cook’s entire fortune?

A £785m.

B £562m.

C $526m.

D $785m.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第1段第1句…he will give away his entire $785m (£526m) fortune可知,故选D。

2.What does Cook’s nephew do?

A He works in Apple company.

B He has got HIV.

C He is a student.

D He works for Tim Cook.

解析:选C。C 判断推理题。第1段第2句…he would help his 10-year-old nephew's education可知,故选C。

3.Which word in the passage has the same meaning as “give away” in paragraph 1?

A Donate.

B Change.

C Pledge.

D Describe.

解析:选A。A 语义推测题。根据第1段give away his entire $785m (£526m) fortune及第2段he has already started to donate money quietly.可猜测知,故选A。

4.Which one has pledged to give away all his fortune?

A Tim Cook.

B Bill Gates.

C Warren Buffet.

D Mark Zuckerberg.

解析:选A。A 内容理解题。根据第4段内容可知BCD三项只是声称至少捐出个人一半财产,而不是全部,故选A。

5.Which of the following might be Cook’s soulmate?

A His nephew.

B A man.

C A girl.

D A pet dog.

解析:选B。B 判断推理题。根据第5段he was gay可以推知库克的灵魂伴侣(soulmate)应该是男的,故选B 。