

The Chinese government recently issued a panda conservation report. The wild panda population, as is said, has increased nearly 17 percent to 1,864 pandas and panda habitat also has improved. 

“Pandas are such an elusive species and it’s very hard to observe them in the wild, so we haven’t had a good picture of where they are from one day to the next,” the researchers said. 

Jindong Zhang, a co-author of the report, said “This was a great opportunity to take a look into the panda’s secretive society that has been closed off to us in the past,” he said. “Once we got all the data in the computer we could see where they go and map it. It was so fascinating to sit down and watch their whole year unfold before you like a little window into their world.”

Researchers say that rather than being lonely animals, in fact pandas enjoy hanging out together. Three in this group were found to be in the same part of the forest at the same time—for several weeks in the fall and outside the usual spring mating season. “We can see it clearly wasn’t just a good luck, we could see they were in the same locations, which we never would have expected for that length of time and at that time of year,” Zhang said. “This might be evidence that pandas are not as lonely as once widely believed.”

Scientists said they learned about a panda’s feeding strategy from this surveillance period. Many animals in the wild have a home range, and within that a core area they frequently return to and defend. Pandas have as many as 20 or 30 core areas, which scientists said might be a reflection of their feeding strategy. “They pretty much sit down and eat their way out of an area, but then need to move on to the next place,” researchers said.

Specific locations may also have other importance for pandas to return to if they are communicating with neighboring pandas at certain vantage points.


1.What does the underlined word most probably mean in Paragraph Two?

A Too shy to make appearance.

B Too difficult to see or grasp.

C Too dangerous to get close to.

D Too valuable to be touched.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据下文的“hard to observe them in the wild”判断,elusive 在此意为“好躲避人的, 难以观察的”,故选 B。

2.What did researchers see from the data?

A The things happening to the pandas in the past.

B The window of a panda habitat.

C The places the pandas had gone to in the past.

D The secrets of the panda society

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“Once we got all the data in the computer we could see where they go …”可知,这些资料使研究者们有机会了 解大熊猫出没的地方,从而能绘制它们生活的路 线图。故选 C。

3.Why does the author include what Jindong Zhang said in Paragraph Four?

A To say that the data in the computer was fascinating.

B To tell that they were lucky to have a clear observation.

C To explain why the pandas often hang out together.

D To prove that pandas are not lonely animals.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。第四段开头说“熊猫不是独居动 物”,然后援引张金东(音)的话说明了他们观察的 结 果 , 并补 充 说 “This might be evidence that pandas are not as lonely as once widely believed”, 由此判断,作者援引张金东的话目的是证实本段 开头的主题——熊猫不是独居动物。故选 D。

4.What does “feeding strategy” refer to?

A Wild animals have a core area they often return to and defend.

B Wild animals have a specific place where they sit down and eat.

C Wild animals stay in a core area and communicate with their neighbors.

D Wild animals have a core area where they return to in a long time.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第五段的“Many animals in the wild have a home range, and within that a core area they frequently return to and defend” 可 知,所谓“补食策略”即动物拥有自己的领地范围, 在觅食过程中常常返回,对这个领地进行保护, 以防敌人入侵。故选 A。

5.What does “feeding strategy” refer to?

A Wild animals have a core area they often return to and defend.

B Wild animals have a specific place where they sit down and eat.

C Wild animals stay in a core area and communicate with their neighbors.

D Wild animals have a core area where they return to in a long time.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第5段Many animals in the wild have a home range, and within that a core area they frequently return to and defend可知,所谓“补食策略”即动物拥有自己的领地范围,在觅食过程中常常返回,对这个领地进行保护,以防敌人入侵。