

One in five girls of primary school age have been on a diet, official figures suggest. Research from the Government Equalities Office reveals that as young girls progress through school their body image(身体意象) grows worse rapidly.

The Body Confidence Progress Report states that poor body image is a “public health problem” and an “equalities issue” that can limit the opportunities available to women and girls. It shows one in five girls aged between 5 and 11 say they have been on a diet, while 87 per cent of girls aged 11 to 21 think that women are judged more on their appearance than ability. One in six GCSE students have even avoided going to school because they feel bad about their appearance.

The report adds that people with poor body image are more likely to lack self-esteem, making them vulnerable to peer pressure and depression. They may turn to “risky coping strategies” such as vomiting, abusing alcohol and drugs, crash dieting, smoking to control their appetite and self harming.

Low body confidence has also been linked to low participation in sport. The research shows that 23 per cent of girls aged between 7 and 21 don’t exercise because they are unhappy with their body image, while nearly half of girls think getting sweaty is not suitable for women. Sport England launched a £10 million advertising campaign called This Girl Can—which has had more than seven million hits online—to promote women taking part in sport.

The Body Confidence report also found nine out of ten adults would like to see a broader range of body shapes shown in advertising and the media. As well as this, nine out of ten teenage girls think statements about girls and women on TV and in magazines focus too much on what they look like, instead of what they achieve.

The report adds that there is a strong relationship between poor body image and weight problems, “People with low levels of body satisfaction are more likely to gain weight over time, whereas those who have higher levels of body satisfaction are less likely to put on weight.”


1.What impact does poor body image have on women and girls?

A They go on a diet at an early age.

B They fail in peer pressure and feel depressed.

C They don’t want to participate in sport.

D It reduces opportunities available to them.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的“poor body image is a ‘public health problem’ and an ‘equalities issue’ that can limit the opportunities available to women and girls”可知,女性对自己有负面的身体 意象是一个 “公共健康问题”和“平等问题”,可能 会限制妇女和女孩的机会。故选 D。

2.Why do people with poor image take “risky coping strategies”?

A Because they lack esteem and feel hopeless.

B Because they think they have no opportunities.

C Because they want to improve their appearance.

D Because they are vulnerable to peer pressure.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“people with poor body image are more likely to lack self-esteem, making them vulnerable to peer pressure and depression. They may turn to ‘risky coping strategies’...”可知,有负面身体意象的人更有可能 缺乏自尊,使他们容易受到来自同辈压力的困扰 而感到抑郁,这会让他们可能求助于“冒险的应对 策略”。故选 A。

3.What makes some females less likely to play sports?

A Their body confidence.

B Their poor body image.

C Their getting sweaty.

D The launched campaign.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第四段的“Low body confidence has also been linked to low participation in sport.”以及第二句的 “because they are unhappy with their body image”可知,女性的负面身体意象 致使她们对自己的身体信心很弱,从而导致她们 很少参与体育锻炼。故选 B。

4.What problem do TV and media have according to the report?

A They are misleading when showing images of women.

B SchoolgThey show women with a large range of body shapes and looks.irls expect to change their views about sport participation.

C They pay too much attention on how to lose weight.

D They focus on the relationship between appearance and ability.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第五段的“nine out of ten adults would like to see a broader range of body shapes…nine out of ten teenage girls think...focus too much on what they look like, instead of what they achieve”可知,青少年女性认为,媒体上展示 的那些女性形象侧重于她们的身材和长相,而不 是她们的成就。由此判断,这些媒体的宣传是有 误导性的。故选 A。

5.What problem do TV and media have according to the report?

A They are misleading when showing images of women.

B They show women with a large range of body shapes and looks.

C They pay too much attention on how to lose weight.

D They focus on the relationship between appearance and abilities.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第5段nine out of ten adults would like to see a broader range of body shapes…nine out of ten teenage girls think …focus too much on what they look like, instead of what they achieve可知,这些媒体中展示的女人的形象侧重于她们的身材和长相,而不是她们的成就,由此判断,这些媒体的宣传是有误导性的。