

The Hon Hai company is based in Taiwan and operates factories in China. The U.S. company Apple and other top electronic brands hire Hon Hai to make products, including iPads and iPhones.

The CEO of Hon Hai is Terry Gou. Mr. Gou recently told reporters that Hon Hai is replacing 70 percent of its manufacturing (制造业)process with an automatic system . He says machines will do most of the work that people do now. Mr. Gou expects the changes to be finished in three years.

Jamie Wang is a researcher with a business in Taipei that studies markets. She says using robots is an increasingly common change in manufacturing. Even the popular company Apple is planning to depend more on robots, she says. So, she says, manufacturers like Hon Hai must keep up with the market and reduce their costs.

Using robots may also reduce Hon Hai's risk of labor arguments. In the past five years, some workers in Hon Hai's Chinese factories have complained workplace conditions and even killed themselves. The events have damaged the company. Now, fewer workers are depending on Hon Hai for jobs.

Companies such as Hon Hai are also facing rising wages for factory work in China. Those wages rose 13 percent in 2014.

Liang Kuo-yuan is chairman of the Yuanta-Polaris Research Institute in Taipei. He says companies as large as Hon Hai need to bring more machines into their manufacturing process. He says the company must move toward automatic systems as costs rise and the number of workers drops.


1._________has built its factories in China.

A The U.S. company Apple

B iPhones

C The Hon Hai company

D iPads

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。文章第1段第1句Hon Hai operates factories in China。

2.Why does Hon Hai plan to use robots in its manufacturing process?

A to reduce their costs.

B to replace 70% of its workers.

C to depend on robots.

D to make more electronic brands


3.Which of the following is the advantage for using robots?

A changing manufacturing process.

B increasing manufacturing costs.

C increasing workers’ wages.

D reducing labor arguments.


4.What’s the worst effect to the company?

A Using robots to replace its manufacturing process.

B Fewer workers depending on Hon Hai for jobs.

C Workers complaining workplace conditions

D Workers killing themselves.


5.What can be inferred from the last sentence of paragraph 6 ?

A Companies are moving out of China.

B Working force is reducing in China.

C Hon Hai is bringing more machines into their factories.

D Companies are raising their workers’ wages.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。从the number of workers drops可知,现在工人数量在减少,尤其是依赖这种公司的工人数量在减少,所以公司成本就增加了,公司就只能走提高自动化的路。