

Just after the success of 3D-printed buildings, clothing and food, a Chinese company has crossed a national printing milestone. Tech firm Sanya Si Hai 3D showed China’s first 3D-printed vehicle on Tuesday, a light gold sedan with the name of Shuya. The electric-powered two-seater car, which is able to reach the speed of up to 40 km/hr, went for a drive on the streets of Hainan province, southern China. 

The frame of the rechargeable battery-powered car was 3D-printed with a composite material, then combined with the conventionally manufactured components. Shuya’s most distinctive feature is its bright orange appearance.

Shuya was printed in five days, at a cost of $1700 (11,000 yuan.). It required 500kg of the Tyrant Gold material at about 10 yuan per kg, with an extra 1000 yuan for electricity and labour.

The car is not the first of its kind-that honour belongs to American company Local Motors 3D, who came out in the Strati back in September. The 50-part car was on show at the 2014 International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago. 

Sanya Si hai has already created the world’s first boat in August. It was a two-meter long strong boat which can fit two people. The 35kg boat was printed with the companies 13,000kg printer, which is capable of printing objects up to 4 metres in length with a height of about 2 metres and it is just as wide as 2 metres.

3D-printing technology is used in a growing number of industries from building houses to making planes. Many believe it could even lead to “small factories” in households which allow people to print anything from clothing to replacement parts for broken household appliance.


1.Why did a Chinese company cross a national printing milestone?

A Because it could print the buildings.

B Because it printed an automobile.

C Because it bought a 3D-printer.

D Because it began to give food.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据文章第1段第2句的Tech firm Sanya Si Hai 3D showed China’s the first 3D-printed vehicle on Tuesday可知该公司用3D技术打印轿车创造了打印技术的里程碑。

2.The underlined word “sedan” may mean ______.

A printer

B company

C car

D street

解析:选C。C。 根据文章第1段第3句的The electric-powered two-seater car可以得知该单词的意思是那个公司用3D打印机打印出来的“汽车”。

3.What made Shuya most impressive?

A Its speed.

B Its battery.

C Its color.

D Its structure.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第2段最后1句的Shuya’s most distinctive feature is its bright orange appearance可知该车最明显的特征是其明亮的桔黄色车身,故该题的正确答案为C。

4.From the article we can know Sanya Si hai ______.

A created the first car in the world

B printed the first boat in the world

C owned a printer weights 1,300 kg

D put four people in their new boat

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第5段第1句的Sanya Si hai has already created the world’s first boat in August可知该公司打印了世界上的第一条船。

5.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A 3D-printing technology will be popular.

B Many small factories will be set up soon.

C People are able to print anything they want.

D Broken parts of the trousers will be difficult.

解析:选A。A。主旨大意题。从文章最后1段第1句的3D-printing technology is used in a growing number of industries from building houses to making planes可以推知该段讲述的是3D打印会越来越流行。