

Gone are the days when daughters were embarrassed by their mums. Despite the generation gap, today one in four young women say they enjoy going out to bars and restaurants with their mothers – and even to nightclubs .

Georgie, 42, and 18-year-old Jazz Smedley live in Romford, Essex and work together in the family’s nail product business, Nail Harmony UK.

Jazz says: "There’s no-one I’d rather go out with than mum. She might be my parent but she’s my best friend. We have such a good time together."We have the same sense of humor, like the same shops, want to do the same things."We even go on holiday together, often to LA. My friends all love mum – they think she’s really young and cool. And she’s so lovely to them all. They never mind her being around, and she’s the life and soul.

Georgie says: "Jazz and I have always been close, but I must admit I’m really honored she loves spending so much time with me."We have the most fun. We go to clubs and to lovely bars. " "I’m a fairly young mum. I like to think I am trendy and keep up with fashion and music – so maybe that helps me in the ‘cool parent’ stakes.I think as your children grow older the age gap between you seems to shrink a bit. I certainly see Jazz as much as a friend as a daughter".


1.How old is Jazz Smedley?

A 16

B 17

C 18

D 19

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第2段“Georgie, 42, and 18-year-old Jazz Smedley live in Romford,”可知。

2.Where do they work?

A Japan

B France

C Germany


解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第2段“work together in the family’s nail product business, Nail Harmony UK.”可知。

3.From the third paragraph, we can know_______.

A Jazz and her mother like the same food.

B Jazz and her mother like painting very much.

C Jazz and her mother enjoy reading very much.

D Jazz and her mother have the same sense of humor.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第3段第4句“We have the same sense of humor, like the same shops, want to do the same things”可知。

4.What does the underlined word admit mean in Chinese ?

A 容许

B 容纳

C 承认

D 收容

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据文章第4段第1句“ I’m really honored she loves spending so much time with me.. ”可知。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A Never mind generation gap.

B A mother and her daughter

C A good friend —my mother

D Sense of humor.

解析:选A。A 主旨大意题。根据第1段第1、2句“Gone are the days when daughters were embarrassed by their mums.Despite the generation gap,”可知,这是文章的主题句。