

The thumping bass lines that go along with rap songs may annoy some uninterested listeners, but such low noises can be used to put out fires.

Two engineering students have built a handheld device that uses sound to extinguish flames—and the breakthrough could one day revolutionize firefighting. It works because the low frequency noise, which compares to the “thump” of hip-hop music, separates oxygen from fuel to stop a fire from burning.

The 20lb (9kg) device, was created by engineering students Seth Robertson and Viet Tran from George Mason University. Initially, both students thought big speakers and high frequencies would put out a fire. “But it’s low-frequency sounds—like the thump-thump bass in hip-hop that works,” Mr Tran said. He joked that rappers like 50 Cent could probably douse a fire, explaining that low frequency sound waves between 30 and 60 Hertz work best.

When the device is used, humans with hearing between the typical range of 20 to 20,000Hz can hear the explosion of sound. “The pressure wave is going back and forth, and that moves where the air is,” Mr Tran told The Washington Post. “That specific space is enough to keep the fire from burning again.” In particular, the acoustic field(声场) created by sound increases the air velocity(速度) around a flame. As this velocity rises it thins what’s known as the flame’s “boundary layer”. And as it thins, it becomes easier to interrupt the burning process and ultimately put out the flame.

The two students were inspired to create their gadget(器具) after watching a video showing how two giant tubes of sound waves can put out fire. However, unlike the agency, the students managed to squeeze the idea into a portable device, which could possibly one day be used in place of a traditional fire extinguisher.

The new device has benefits such as being free of toxic chemicals and not subjecting buildings to water damage, for example.



1.What is the significance of the invention?

A It might annoy someone uninterested in fires.

B It will completely change firefighting in the future.

C It makes us see the power of the hip-hop music.

D It is a prefect mixture of chemistry and music.

解析:选B。B 细节理 解题。根 据文章第 二段的 “and the breakthrough could one day revolutionize firefighting”可知,作者认为这是一项重大突破, 这对于未来的消防具有革命性的意义,即会彻底 改变消防行业。故选 B。

2.What does the underlined word “douse” most probably mean in Paragraph Three?

A Start.

B Spread.

C Stop.

D Separate.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据前文可知 Seth Robertson 和 Viet Tran 发明的是用声音灭火的装置,此处 Viet Tran 开玩笑说像 50 Cent 这样的说唱歌手可能就 能(用他们的声音)灭火,由此可推断,douse 意为 “熄灭,扑灭”。故选 C。

3.How does the device put out the fire?

A It makes a explosion of sound that finally thins the boundary layer.

B It creates sound wave moving back and forth to move away air.

C It makes the acoustic field by increasing the air velocity around.

D It uses two large tubes of sound waves to interrupt the burning process.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第四段内容可知,使用 这个灭火装置时,它会发出爆炸声,压力波前后 移动,加快了火焰周围空气流动的速度,使其“边 界层”变薄,阻止了火焰燃烧的过程,最终导致火 焰熄灭。故选 A。

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the invention?

A Concerned.

B Negative.

C Suspicious.

D Optimistic.

解析:选D。D 观点态度题。根据文章中的“breakthrough” “be in place of” “benefits”等词汇可以判断,作者对于 这项新发明持乐观态度。故选 D。

5.What is the author’s attitude towards the invention?

A Concerned.

B Negative.

C Suspicious.

D Optimistic.

解析:选D。D 作者态度判断题。根据文章中的breakthrough, be in place of, benefits等词汇可以判断,作者对于这项新发明持乐观态度。