

For the last week, haze(雾霾) has been covering Paris completely, which usually enjoys relatively clean air. People are warned to avoid even moderate exercise. Schools have been instructed to keep children in classrooms and limit sports activities.

On Monday, in an attempt to improve air quality, authorities passed a bill for a 24-hour restriction on cars with even-numbered(偶数的) license plates, halving the number of cars entering the city and surrounding areas. 

On Wednesday, when the air was at its worst, haze masked the city’s most famous landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower. Walking on the streets and the squares—Bastille, Opera, Republique, passersby could smell and taste the smog. On Friday, a vendor offered passersby cheap glasses through which to see a solar eclipse(日食). Most people laughed and walked on; the light yellow gray cloud covering the city meant Parisians would see nothing of the extraordinary event.

Experts say the problem is caused by vehicle emissions, an absence of wind to disperse the pollutants and other meteorological conditions, including sunshine. These have combined to create an unmoving cover of warm air over Paris.

In addition to banning cars with even-numbered plates, Paris ordered drivers to obey a speed limit of just over 12 mph. About 750 police officers were sent to busy crossroads to ensure that drivers stuck to the rules, $30 fines for those who didn’t. At the same time, all public transport in and around the city was free, as was residential parking.

In the United States, the cities of Denver and Phoenix have started voluntary no-drive-day campaigns during the winter months when air quality is at its worst, and these have been credited with reducing emissions. Rome, Athens, Mexico City, Santiago, Seoul and Singapore have also used driving restrictions, based on alternative odd(奇数的) and even license plates.

Ariane Etienne, 25, a Parisian waitress, said she had escaped to the countryside over the weekend and found she could breathe properly for the first time “in ages.” “I can’t really notice much of a difference even though there is less traffic,” she said. “One day of half traffic isn’t enough. It needs to be done regularly, like in Rome.”


1.Why does the author mention the vendor’s story?

A To tell us that a solar eclipse could be seen in Paris.

B To prove that the city was covered with thick haze.

C To give advice on how to breathe properly in the city.

D To show that people still led a busy life despite the pollution.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。第三段讲述了商贩叫卖观看日食 的眼镜,但是路人笑而不理,原因是雾霾天气, 根本无法观看日食。可知作者讲述这个故事是为 了突出巴黎笼罩在雾霾之中这一事实。故选 B。

2.What does the underlined word “disperse” most probably mean in the fourth paragraph?

A Clear away.

B Build up.

C Hold back.

D Give off.

解析:选A。A 猜测词义题。根据下文的 unmoving 可知,如果 有风,雾霾就会散去,由此判断,disperse 意为“驱 散”。故选 A。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A Air pollution is extremely serious in the United States.

B No-drive-day campaign is unfriendly to the environment.

C The reduction of emissions is an important task for the whole world.

D Driving restrictions are widely used to keep us away from solar eclipse.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第六段世界各大城市为减排采取的车辆限行措施可知,世界各国都在重视空 气污染治理,把降低排放当作重要的任务来抓。 故选 C。

4.What is Etienne’s attitude towards the measures of the government?

A Supportive.

B Enthusiastic.

C Doubtful.

D Excited.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据最后一段“I can’t really notice much of a difference”可以判断,Ariane Etienne 对 政府目前采取的措施持怀疑态度。故选 C。