

A baby boy in California, is living a medical miracle after receiving a live-saving heart transplant when he was just 3 weeks old.

The baby, Dravyn Johnson, is spending his first day at home with his family from Children’s Hospital on Wednesday, just 2 weeks after the surgery.

Dravyn’s mother Eggleston found out while she was pregnant with Dravyn, her third child, that he had a severe heart problem. When Dravyn was just a few days old, his doctors discovered that his illness was worse than anyone had expected. “It had such severe disease that we were afraid that the baby could die at any moment,” Dr. Brian Reemtsen said.

Too sick to have his heart repaired, the decision was made to put Dravyn on the heart transplant list. The waiting time, doctors warned, could be up to six months. But instead it happened much faster. A heart became available in just two days.

Dravyn, at 3 weeks old, became the youngest heart transplant recipient in California in 25 years. His new heart is the size of a strawberry. Now, 2 weeks after his surgery, Dravyn is recovering well.

Dravyn is expected to keep on medication, and will need follow-up appointments. Doctors expect that his new heart should last up to 20 years before he’ll need another transplant.


1.How old is the heart transplant baby?

A Three years old.

B Three weeks old.

C Three months old.

D Three hours old.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第1段…when he was just 3 weeks old可知,故选B。

2.When did Dravyn begin to have severe heart problem?

A When Dravyn was just a few days old.

B When Dravyn was still in his mother’s body.

C Two weeks after Dravyn was born.

D Three weeks after Dravyn was born.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第3段第1句…while she was pregnant with Dravyn,… that he had a severe heart problem.可知,故选B。

3.Dravyn’s new heart is as big as________.

A an apple

B a peach

C a strawberry

D a golf

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第5段第2句His new heart is the size of a strawberry.可知,故选C。

4.When will Dravyn have to transplant his heart again?

A When he is 20 years old.

B When he is 10 years old.

C When he is 15 years old.

D When he is 5 years old.

解析:选A。A 判断推理题。根据最后1段可知医生希望他的心脏可以持续20年,而现在他才三个星期大,所以应该是20岁时再换心脏,故选A。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A The youngest heart transplant baby in California

B A heart as big as a strawberry

C Baby with severe heart problem in California

D How to turn a strawberry into a heart

解析:选A。A 文章标题题。A项“加州最年轻心脏移植者”契合文章内容,B项“草莓大小的心脏”不够具体,C项“加州严重心脏疾病的婴儿”不能体现文章主旨,D项“如何将草莓变成心脏”明显错误,故选A。