

SEYNE-LES-ALPES, France, March 25 (Reuters) - French investigators will examine the wreckage thoroughly on Wednesday for clues into why a German Airbus crashed into an Alpine mountainside, killing all 150 people on board.

The A320 jet operated by Lufthansa’s Germanwings budget airline fell into pieces when it went down in a mountainous area of deep valleys on Tuesday while flying over France en route to Düsseldorf from Barcelona.

No distress call was received from the aircraft, but France said one of the two “black box” flight recorders had been recovered from the site 2,000 meters (6,000 feet) above sea level. A person familiar with the recovery effort told Reuters that this was the cockpit voice recorder. Investigators will also need the other black box which records flight data information that is essential for looking into air accidents.

In Washington, the White House said the crash did not appear to have been caused by a terrorist attack. Lufthansa said it was working on the assumption that the tragedy had been an accident, adding that any other theory would be supposition.

67 Germans are believed to have been on the flight, with 45 Spanish passengers, one Belgian, two Australians. There were some British travelers, too. Also among the victims were 16 teenagers and two teachers from the Joseph-Koenig-Gymnasium high school. They were on their way home after a week-long Spanish exchange programme near Barcelona. 

The aircraft came down in a region known for skiing, hiking and rafting, which is difficult for rescue services to reach. A small team of policemen camped overnight on the mountainside to secure the crash site. It was the first disaster involving a large passenger jet on French soil since a Concorde crashed outside Paris nearly 15 years ago.

The A320 is one of the world’s most used passenger jets and has a good safety record. Tuesday’s crash was the third most deadly involving the model. In 2007 a TAM Linhas Aereas A320 went off a runway in Brazil, killing 187 people, and 162 people died when an Indonesia AirAsia jet went down in the Java Sea in December. 


1.What was the destination of the A 320 jet of Germanwings airline?

A Düsseldorf.

B Barcelona.

C Paris.

D Washington.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第2段flying over France en route to Düsseldorf from Barcelona可知,德国空客A320从巴塞罗那途经法国飞往杜塞尔多夫。

2.What was the results of the investigation before the news was released?

A Black boxes found, identity of passengers recognized, accident cause found out.

B One black box found, rescue work finished, identity of passengers recognized.

C One black box found, identity of passengers recognized, flight data to be studied.

D Passenger identities recognized, one black box recovered, crash site secured.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第3、4、5段可知截止新闻发布之前,法国空难的调查情况为:飞机上的一个黑匣子已经找到,正在恢复数据,飞机上的乘客身份得到确认,失事现场得到保护,故选D。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A The tragedy was caused by a terrorist attack.

B The crash cause will be clear with the other black box recovered.

C Almost no air disaster has happened to French airlines.

D The mountainous area makes it hard to look into the crash cause.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第3段Investigators will also need the other black box which records flight data可以判断,只有找到另一只黑匣子,才能揭开飞机坠毁之谜。

4.Why did the 16 students and two teachers go to Spain?

A They were on a skiing camp.

B They were there on a rescue service.

C They were on an exchange program.

D They went to Spain on vacation.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第5段They were on their way home after a week-long Spanish exchange programme near Barcelona可知,这16名学生及他们的老师参加了一个与西班牙学校的交换生项目,所以搭乘这次航班返回德国。

5.What is suggested in the last paragraph?

A It’s no surprise that the A320 jet had an accident.

B A320 is the safest passenger jet and couldn’t have crashed.

C Tuesday’s tragedy was really unusual in the history of A320.

D Passengers will lose confidence in A 320 passenger jet.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章最后1段most used passenger jets and has a good safety record和Tuesday’s crash was the third most deadly involving the model可以判断,周二空难在A320历史上很不寻常。