

An unopened wet napkin with the Malaysia Airlines logo found on a beach in Western Australia could be from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, but officials say even if it is, it's unlikely to help them find the plane that disappeared more than a year ago.

The discovery, first reported by Australia's News Nine, was made in July by a couple walking along the beach about 150 miles north of Perth. The small item is being tested in Canberra to prove whether or not it did indeed come from the missing Boeing 777.

An official said the tests were unlikely to prove any connection to Flight 370.

"It is unlikely that such a common item with no special mark could be conclusively linked with MH370," the spokesman told News Nine.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been missing since March 8, 2014, when it dropped off radar screens without warning. The ongoing search missions, headed by Australia, have searched about 40-percent of an estimated 23,000-square mile area in the Southern Indian Ocean. The full operation is due to be completed in late May.

On Sunday, investigators released a 584-page report detailing what is known of the missing plane's whereabouts and the search efforts by far.


1.Where could be the wet napkin from?

A Flight 370.

B QZ8501.

C Boeing 777.

D Boeing 737.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第1段An unopened wet napkin …could be from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370可知,故选A。

2.“The small item” in paragraph 2 refers to________.

A small pieces of the plane

B a cell phone on MH370

C an unopened wet napkin

D a glass on MH370

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。根据第1段内容可知此处small item指的是napkin“纸巾“,故选C。

3.When was Flight 370 missing?

A March 8, 2014.

B March 8, 2015.

C In July, 2014.

D In July, 2015.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第5段第1句Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been missing since March 8, 2014,可知,故选A。

4.MH370 could most probably disappear in the________.

A Pacific Ocean.

B Southern Indian Ocean.

C Atlantic Ocean.

D Northern Indian Ocean.

解析:选B。B 判断推理题。根据第5段第2句The ongoing search missions, headed by Australia, have searched about 40-percent of an estimated 23,000-square mile area in the Southern Indian Ocean.可推测,故选B。

5.Which statement is RIGHT according to the passage?

A The wet napkin could help find the missing MH370.

B A young girl found the wet napkin on a beach in Australia.

C The ongoing search missions will come to an end in this May.

D The 584-page report explains why MH370 was missing.

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。A项“湿纸巾能够帮助找到失踪的马航MH370”错;B项“一个年轻女孩在澳大利亚海滩找到湿纸巾”错误;C项“搜索任务将于今年5月份结束”对应第5段最后1句;D项“报告解释了MH370为什么失踪”错,故选C。