

To honor the many moms, most men would choose flowers or chocolates. But three male coworkers who really want to understand the mom experience are taking their celebration of motherhood a step further — by wearing 33-pound pregnancy suits, complete with a fake 9-months-along belly.

Biggins and his colleagues Steven Hanson and Jason Bramley each committed to wearing the “empathy belly” for one month, leading up to U.K. Mother’s Day on March 15. They wear the suit all day and night, only taking it off to bathe, and each of the men is documenting his experience being nine months pregnant with posts and videos on their blog, Three Pregnant Dads.

“We’re trying to go through some of the physical discomforts women go through, though not all of them ,” Biggins says, pointing out that the three men are spared plenty of the biological pregnancy trials like swollen ankles. Still, the suit is intended to put pressure stomach and lungs and cause the wearer to feel bloated, a common pregnancy complaint.

Nine days into the project, Biggins, a 45-year-old father of two, says he has a whole new appreciation for what pregnant women go through. “I’ve had to slow down. Little things like picking something up or tying your shoes becomes a huge task,” he says. Nights, too, have been rough. “It’s like sleeping on shoulder, it’s really uncomfortable. But you start adapting to make it work.” Biggins says he’s added a second seat to his bicycle to rest support his belly.

Bramley, a 44-year-old dad of one, blogged about how hard it is to simply get around with his new belly. “I wonder why pregnant women don’t use wheelchairs,” he wrote. “I have a chair in the office with wheels, this is a blessing.


1.Three man wore pregnancy suits to ______.

A experience mothers’ trouble

B save flowers and chocolates

C celebrate their motherhood

D sell some pregnancy suits

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章第1段第2句的who really want to understand the mom experience可以得知他们做这些是为了体验做母亲的困难。

2.During the experiment, the men _____.

A wore empathy belly all the time

B had large swollen ankles

C shared their feelings online

D had no chance of bathing

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据文章第2段第3句的documenting his experience being nine months pregnant with posts and videos on their blog可知他们通过微博来分享他们的感觉。

3.The underlined word “them” in the third paragraph may refer to _____.

A women

B dads

C trials

D discomforts

解析:选D。D。词意指代题。根据第3段第1句的We’re trying to go through some of the physical discomfort可知此处的them是指那些女士在怀孕期间经历的“不舒适”,因此这里的them指代的是discomforts。

4.What did Biggins do to make him comfortable?

A Sleeping on shoulders.

B Adding one more seat.

C Picking something up.

D Going on a diet.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据第4段最后1句的Biggins says he’s added a second seat to his bicycle to rest support his belly可以得知他再加了一个座位来支撑他的腹部。

5.What did Bramley suggest women do?

A They should use wheelchairs.

B They should work in an office.

C They should walk more slowly.

D They should use the blog.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章第5段第2句的I wonder why pregnant women don’t use wheelchairs可知他建议女士用轮椅。