

Rafi and Dvora Meitiv were walking home from the park recently in Silver Spring, Maryland, when they were suddenly confronted by the police. 

“We were over here about to cross the street the two police cars pull up here, stopped, the doors opened then the whole thing started,” Rafi said. 

The Police gave the kids a warning about walking alone, put them in the car and drove them home. 

“I look out and see the police and thought, ‘Oh my God, what did they do?’” said their father Alexander Meitiv. “I asked if the children do something wrong, they said ‘no,’ I said, ‘OK, I'll take my children,’ Then I realized they wouldn't let me take them unless I promise that I will never let the children walk alone in streets” In Silver Spring, leaving anyone under age 18 is against the law.

Before the police found them, Rafi and Dvora, ages 10 and 6, said they used to run around outside and cross the street by themselves all the time. Their parents, Alexander and Danielle Meitiv, said they trust their children and want to give them the freedom to make mistakes, away from the parental safety net. 

“I'm just parenting the way I want and let the children have much freer time.” Danielle said. 


1.Why did the police stop the two children?

A Because they stole something.

B Because they left home without their parents’ permission.

C Because they dialed 911.

D Because they walked alone in the street.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第2段“ We were over here about to cross the street the two police cars pull up here”可知。

2.Where did the two children want to go to?

A the park

B their home

C the school

D the zoo

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第1段“ Rafi and Dvora Meitiv were walking home from the park recently in Silver Spring. ”可知。

3.How can Alexander Meitiv get his children?

A Give some money to the police.

B Promise not to let the children walk alone.

C Join the law school 3 days.

D Learn to how to take care of children.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第4段第3句“I promise that I will never let the children walk alone in streets” 可知。

4.From the fifth paragraph, we can know the two children’s parents________.

A don’t know how to look after them.

B are very strict to them.

C let them have much freer time

D don’t love them at all.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第5段第2句“want to give them the freedom to make mistakes, away from the parental safety net.

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A How to look after children

B Try to understand your kids

C Children are not free in Silver Spring.

D How to communicate with the police

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。根据第4段最后1句“ In Silver Spring, leaving anyone under age 18 is against the law.” 可知,在银泉,孩子们并不自由。