

Winds from a cyclone that blew through the Pacific's Vanuatu archipelago were beginning to less powerful Saturday, causing destruction and reports of dozens of deaths as relief workers rushed to the damage.

Chloe Morrison, a World Vision emergency communications officer who is in Port Vila, said the capital's streets were filled with roofs blown from homes, fallen trees and broken power lines. She said she’s hearing reports of entire villages being destroyed in more remote areas. She said there is no power or running water in the capital and that communication remains unreliable.

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the influence of the disaster caused by Cyclone Pam wasn't yet clear, but he feared the damage and destruction could be widespread. "We hope the loss of life will be small," he said during a World Conference on Disaster Risk and Reduction in Japan. The U.N. said it was preparing to send emergency rapid response units. The president of Vanuatu, Baldwin Lonsdale, who was attending the conference, told participants: "I do not really know what impact the cyclone has had on Vanuatu. I am speaking to you today with a heart that is so heavy," he said. "I stand to appeal on behalf of the government and the people to give a helping hand in this disaster."

Morrison said the winds seemed to peak between midnight and 1 a.m. Saturday. She said she was in a fully cyclone-proof house but still spent a frightening night as a tree and a tin roof from a nearby home hit her house.

Australia was preparing to send a crisis response team to Vanuatu if needed, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said. "There are destructive winds, rain, flooding, landslides and very rough seas and the storm is destructive there," she said. "We stand ready to assist."

1.What can people see in the streets of Port Vila?

A Dozen of deaths

B Flying roofs.

C Broken house.

D Lying trees.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据文章第2段第1句的streets were filled with roofs blown from homes, fallen trees可以得知街上有倒下的树。

2.According to Chloe Morrison, _______.

A all the villages were completely destroyed

B people in Port Vila did not have any water

C it was difficult to phone people in Port Vila

D winds were becoming stronger and stronger

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据第2段最后1句的She said there is no power or running water in the capital and that communication remains unreliable可以得知通讯还不可靠,因此给那里的人通话很难。

3.Where is the president of Vanuatu?

A In Vanuatu archipelago.

B In Port Vila.

C In Japan.

D In Australia.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。 根据第3段第2句的a World Conference on Disaster Risk and Reduction in Japan可知该会议在日本举行;另外第4句的The president of Vanuatu, Baldwin Lonsdale, who was attending the conference可以得知总统也参加会议的,据此可以得知总统在日本。

4.What is the name of the powerful wind?

A Ban Ki-moon.

B Julie Bishop.

C Cyclone Pam.

D Chloe Morrison.

解析:选C。C。根据第三段第一句的U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the impact of the disaster caused by Cyclone Pam wasn't yet clear可知该气旋的名字叫做Cyclone Pam。

5.What Julie Bishop said means _______.

A Australia will give Vanuatu a hand

B winds and flooding will disappear

C a crisis response team was sent

D the storm won’t come to other place

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据文章最后1段最后1句的We stand ready to assist可知澳大利亚打算提供帮助。